A&P grocery store, 5:15pm... I'm just picking up a few things for dinner, thinking about things like the Senate vote on the bailout bill and then... she appears, well first I heard her, then she appeared. What would you like to know? I know she had "tons of xrays and a bone scan," but she "still feels like she's going to puke." Oh and she "thought she'd get to go right to physio but didn't make it." Throughout the entire store she blathered on and on about deeply personal things like she was the only person there. That, or she was inordinately proud of this medical condition and felt we all needed to know about it!
What the hell is wrong with people? Do I need to know that your kid got called to the office, again? Do I need to hear you fighting with your spouse? Do I need to hear all about the big plans you have this weekend?
I see mothers out walking their kids and are they interacting with them? Nope... on the cell phone.
I'm done ranting now but damn this just pisses me off!
And just think! We survived our school years without one of them! How DID we do it??? :)
I'm still surviving without. I have one, it's never on and my message says "hi, it's Pat. My phone's hardly every on and I don't know how to get my messages!" hehehe
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