I've truly had way too many things on my mind to blog in any clear fashion; so, I've decided to do it in point form:
Why would a baby, age 1 year have e. coli from Harvey's? Who would feed a 1 year old fast food? Can you spell CAS?
Why would someone name their daughter "Sensuous?" Sensuous Balfour? Guess what she's gonna grow up to be? Yep, a brain surgeon! (*EDIT* I in no way mean to take away from the horror and terrible events of the murders of a 7 year old boy and his Grand Mother... there are no words, no explaination for such an awful tragedy. I simply cannot accept someone naming their child "Sensuous" and not realizing the effect it could have.)
Why is everyone selling their stocks in this panic market? Hello... until you sell, the loss is only on paper, sell and it's real green! Panic feeds panic. I haven't lost a dime in real life yet... sigh... I'm trying to convince myself here!
Leap Frog commercials: Oh right the frog asks the kid which book is better? The one you do all by yourself where you pass the electronic wand over and it reads itself to you... or the boring book you have to read yourself because it doesn't talk... or better yet; and what an earth shattering concept this is... READ TO YOUR KID! OMG... seriously, let the machine do it and you can chat away on your cell phone and the kid's occupied!
Can you tell I'm cranky? Can you tell that I'm getting just a bit weary of what's going on here? I'm 50, I admit it. I also admit that I love the electronic age and embrace all it has to offer. What it does not offer is the bonding that happens between you and your child when you teach them something!
I despair over the cheapening of our youth, the denigration of self respect and self image and the acceptance of cheapness and tawdriness for "coolness."
Ok, fine, I sound old. If you don't like it, don't read it and move on to a more hip and less judgemental blog! :)
Boy i better get you a bottle of that wine i made stat !!! hee he he
Well, at least I got it all out in one post, kind of a purge. Looking forward to the wine!
Wow, that was some fast service! Thanks Rodney!
jeez.. your so negative! now I know where I get it :P
Me? Miss Mary Sunshine? You must have me confused with your real Mother! :)~
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