A friend called me this afternoon, about 3 o'clock. His first words were, "what the hell is happening with the stock market?" I told him to turn off his computer and walk away. He told me he was getting the info on his cell phone. I repeated the same instructions... walk away, close your eyes... don't look! Neither of us have our "entire fortunes" at risk. Just our futures! hehe (Pardon the pun.)
We agreed there was nothing to be done right now, unless you have a few extra thousand laying around then there were some bargains to buy. We agreed there was no point in selling. We also agreed that we were glad it was a few years before we were looking to retire. Unless of course, Buffett can save us all? (And I don't mean Jimmy! Though a Cheeseburger & a margarita in Paradise would be good right now too!)
Guess you wants to retire in June??? YIKES!!!!
Well I was actually hoping for October... oh wait... it IS October! hehehe :)
June works too, though April 30th would be better!
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