Photo: CNN - Sept. 29/08
This is not a reaction that instills confidence! The legacy he's leaving... trillions in debt, a never ending war, 4000+ dead and now... His own party failed to follow his wishes. His own nominee running for his job failed to persuade them. His speech to the American Public, forget about it!
The irony, the Democrats voted FOR it! McCain failed his first test and George W. just failed his last.
As Chicken Little said... well you get the picture.
*EDIT* After carefully reviewing Nancy Pelosi's pre-vote speech... shame on her! She too can share the blame. This was to be NON Partisan!
It's scary stuff. I checked my portfolio this morning and it took a hit, but I'm in the little league compared to a lot of others so it's nothing I can't weather. I guess everyone will just have to ride it out. Just amazing though that things are being led by a bunch of political buffoons! I did not know enough about yesterday's vote until I read your blog. Really? The Democrats actually voted in favor and it still got shot down? I hope those Republicans get blown out of office this fall. I'd call yesterday's entire fiasco a comedy of events, but it's ain't even funny!
Bob & I have decided NOT to look. It won't change anything. We're riding it out! It's a rough ride though!
Yep a majority of the Democrats voted yes, a majority of the Rebublicans voted nope!
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