I loved high school. The 70's were raucous times and school was a blast! (I even liked the classes, math, chemistry & typing excepted of course.)
I have now re-connected with old friends, have them on my Facebook, (if Facebook crashes, it's our fault, sorry! Lots of adding, tagging and catchingupping going on,) and have photos that I can compare to my yearbook pictures. Seriously, I swear some of them could substitute the new pics for the yearbook pics and there would be no difference.
Sunday, I saw my first hummingbird! Driving home I saw a cast of hawks, I noticed the fields of soya beans were brilliant yellow like they were trying to outdo the blooming golden rod and that the trees are starting to turn colour to join the Fall pallet. I was tired but apparently very open and rather emotional. (oh and I'm very, very short aren't I?)
Hey...if you want to see hummingbirds, all you have to do is visit your favourite sister in Northern Ontario. They fly around our heads like flies up here. Sadly, we lost one on the weekend when it smashed into the livingroom window. We had 3 window/bird incidents last weekend....the window won twice. The other bird to bite the dust was a Cedar Waxwing...look it up...it's very beautiful and made me very sad.
Hey, quit hitting birds with your windows! Put up 9032 sun catcher or something! :)
And yes, you are absolutely, my favourite sister in Norther Ontario! xo
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