Bob's voice emanates from the living room as he walks toward the computer room, "you better get busy on making breakfast P. Toal, or it's going to interfere with your making me lunch." I am a one meal cooker. I make a nice dinner every night and I feel that is plenty. On his way out of the computer room, whinging about his withering away to nothing, he stops and asks, "what's this money on the buffet? Is it for me?" Before I can answer, he says, "there's forty dollars, that's for me and two scratch tickets, they're for Michelle. I didn't buy her any today because she struck out the last three times I bought her some." Mich then pipes up with, "ya, I'm on probation. He keeps mentioning how I didn't win anything the last three times."
I then ask why he'd think the money was for him and did he not notice the birthday card there as well? To which he promptly replies with, "the card could be for me too." Sadly, as his birthday is 4 days away, he does have a point, which I grudgingly admit and return to playing my game.
Bob then walks toward the front door mumbling, "I'm going over to Robin and Debbie's maybe Debbie has something to eat" and he's out the door!
I'm moving the money, tickets and card from the buffet and am NOT cooking anything until 6pm and I'm going to sloth all day. No matter how bad the whinging gets!
It's my anti-labour day.
**UPDATE** Now Michelle went out the door. She too is on her way to Debbie's house. I hope Debbie has a full fridge! (bunch of whingers!)
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