Well, I just got off the phone with my sister (Government IT person) and her spouse, (another government department IT person,) and dang... now I understand all this daylight savings time change panic! It's ugly, it goes way deeper than I, a meer minor geek realized and it's costing gazillions of IT dollars and one cannot help but wonder if this is just another brilliant Amerikan idea that went horribly, horribly wrong!
I thought, hey, just change the clock on my old computer manually, )my XP one will do it all by itself, it's patched,) no biggie. Well, I have to do it 4 times. Once this weekend, again in April when my computer thinks the time change happens and then twice in the fall, back then forth. That's just me, just a simple home computer. I will not talk about data interfaces and time sensitive relays of information! Mostly as I really wouldn't know what I'm talking about but I do get the gist of it.
Hope none of you are online stock traders with pre-set orders! Ah... Good thing my neighbour's "alleged" nominee trading account, (one of three that netted anywhere from 7.8 to 12 million!) was closed by the time the Ontario Securities Commission found out about it, and this whole time change debacle happened or she could have lost tons of money while artifically inflating the value of the Sulja Brothers stock she was trading! Whew, lucky she beat that by about 6 months eh?
Damn Yankees! Next thing you know they'll decide to re-write history or something... ahhh wait... never mind!
Okay, are you still going shopping with us tomorrow night in the States?
Bob's watch is already 15 minutes ahead so he doesn't have far to go.
Have a good night.
Yep, I'm in. So I'll be 15 minutes late? Dang there's a lot of pressure in this whole time change. Didn't realize your house was in a different time zone from me! hehehe
What about our cats is there a computer chip to put into them to adjust them to the time change?
What about the people who mess up and put their clocks back?
What about the people who forget?
I will be busy on Saturday night changing all my clocks, I better start early.
See you tonight
AIS whenever Bob gets home
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