Many of you already know that I often cook 2, sometimes 3 different things for dinner. For those of you who don't... Mich only eats chicken, Bob likes his pork I am a big fan of cows.
Today, I was making Mich a chicken stir fry. In the middle of the day I might add. She has to work at 5 and being the selfless, sacrificing mother I am, I gave up some of my valuable on line poker time to cook. I plopped a rib roast into the oven and started the stir fry. While looking for my water chessnuts, I found a can of sweet potatoes. Mich loves candied sweet potatoes. So I opened the can, mashed them and added butter and brown sugar and popped them into the oven with the roast. I made the stir fry, gravy for the roast and peeled white potatoes for me.
I put Mich's stir fry in a bowl on the counter and stuck a note in front of it..."surprise in the oven, ask me." I signed it in case she couldn't figure out who it was from.
So... around 4 she comes to me and asks, "so, what's in the oven?" I replied... "funny you should ask..." After we finished laughing uproariously, I, with grand flourish, took out the sweet potatoes. Imagine my crushing disappointment when she informed me that stir fry and sweet potatoes just don't mix and that I was mean for now making her choose between them! I pointed out that the stir fry had orange things (carrots) in it and it matched the sweet potatoes; to no avail.
I told her there were children all over the world with NO sweet potatoes, she asked me to get out of the way of the cutlery drawer. I pointed out the children all over the world suffered a shortage of cutlery and the fork and spoon she already had should suffice. She pointed out how ironic it would be if those children actually had a plethora of cutlery whilst not having any food. Which brought us back to the uneaten sweet potatoes.
So... how's your day so far?
Bah... spoiled/schmoiled... Now that I think of it. I blame you! ha...
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