Pretty quiet day. Neighbourhood's abuzz with the murder around the corner and the dreadful firetruck accident! I saw the guys, and noticed Hopkins, at A & P not long before the accident. I hope they will all be fine. George Copeland is in rough shape according to news reports. It must be tough for all the firefighters. I missed the woman coming into the police station to confess she killed the guy on Bruce Ave. by minutes the night I went to file my report of my "front ender."
Nothing happening here. Well Bob, (next door) & Susan went shopping in the States and brought me a handy/dandy picker/upper thingy. Of course the first thing Mich did was torment the cats with it!
I took down my 15 gallon aquarium as all eight fish seem to be flourishing in the new 30 gallon tank. My computer room is huge now. So, of course. Mich had to have Matthew assemble her elipitical machine. It now stands in the middle of the room! I am resisiting the urge to get on it! I will be strong! I will fight! Exercise... well that word is NOT in my volcabulary. I go up and down the stairs 900 times a day as it is. I will fade away to nothing should I start exercising! ( hehe...)
NOT talking about my neck on purpose... This is ridiculous! Been hit before, once or twice or nine times, thousands of dollars of damage... get a measely $600/$700 jolt est voila? C'nest pas amusant!
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