Ok, those of you reading this blog are likely wondering "who is this tart that's suddenly appeared in the comments section?" Those of you not reading this blog likely aren't! Well let me tell about Jammy.
Way back in 1997 or 1998 (at my age, what's one year?) my father gave me his old HP computer. I bought Michie a $20.00 Sympatico CD for Christmas so she could go online. Now... the old HP couldn't even take the download for Sympatico. So... we went out and bought a $2000.00 Pentium II 350 to go with the $20.00 CD. (Please don't talk about this in front of Bob (husband, not next door,) as it is still a touchy subject! (I googled the Pentium II 350, it was 1998 so it's only been 9 years, give him some time to get over it!) We set up the new machine, downloaded sympatico and a whole new world opened up to us! (Well me really more so as I am compulsive about new stuff!)
Michie showed me a game she had seen at a friend's house. It was called Acrophobia. A word game. I love word games! I became an internet daemon after the first night! I woke up at 6 or 6:30am the second day and logged on. There were two people in there playing, Jamtart and Lemontwist. I found that rather ironic. I typed my first ever line of chat and ... a friendship was born.
I joined an acro team... OMG what a horror story that first team was. OK... my team captain, who's name escapes me, was on the Maury Povich show TWICE... for internet addiction. She also was a maniac and I'm pretty sure the offspring of some deposed dictator! I did, however, enjoy playing against the team Jammy was on. I ended up joining her team. There were people on the team from all over the world, Jammy in Australia, people in Ireland, England, USA an 18 year old named Pladin from Windsor - yep - went to Massey School, weeeeeeeeno from Regina and two folks from Calgary.
Jammy came to visit me, (in person,) in 2000. She came twice actually. Once in June and once in October. For her first arrival, Michie, Pladin and I went to Windsor airport to get her. Now we had been talking non stop for over 2 years. Not all that easy with a 12 hour time difference but we managed. We had, however, never seen each other so we sent each other pictures. All you heard when we saw her was "Jammy! Pyro! (I'm pyropatti online,) Pal! Michie!... people were staring!
She also went to Calagary to visit 4ever40, (whom I cannot talk about right now or this post will never end.) Michie and I visited him too when we went to visit family and he was wonderful!
So that's the story of my friend the tart who has a delicious sense of humour and I love her in spite of how she mocks! :þ
awwww... that's so nice - and so true! Shucks. (Cripes, we are almost coming up to our 10 year anniversary!)
It's hard to believe, but Pyro is, without doubt, one of my bestest (I'm pretty sure that’s a real word, here in Oz) friends in the entire world! (I cant call Patty anything but 'Pyro' cos she is ma widdle spark-hurling, large-explosive-device wielding Canadian Pyro-pal!).
Now, don't get me wrong, I have HEAPS of great friends… there's the butchers wife (Kathy, Kate, Karren - something like that); and there is my Pharmaceutical best friend (she has a name-tag but I'm getting old and I always forget my glasses when I go and visit her)… and trust me, we are GREAT friends! Heck, we are so close that we discuss really intimate subjects like haemorrhoids and gingivitis with refreshingly open frankness. She is just a treasure! And of course there is the guy that always fills up my car with petrol (do you call it 'gas'?) on a Friday afternoon… he kinda reminds me of 4Ever40 (but I'm not going to go there either!)
So, the point is, that I obviously don’t lack for friends - GREAT friends. However, Pyro has the distinction of being one of my BEST friends even if she does live in (reportedly) one of the Worst Places in the World (poor love!). She is a lucky, lucky Thirtypoundsofcat! :)
With love always (and you will note, not a mocking word to be seen!)
Well hardly a mocking word to be read! Speaking of Pharamceutical friends, I have a Pharaceutical daughter! :þ
Anyway, funny how you can bond with someone you've never actually met and luckily for us, still like each other once you do!
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