Monday, September 29, 2008
Bailout deal ... NOT!
Photo: CNN - Sept. 29/08
This is not a reaction that instills confidence! The legacy he's leaving... trillions in debt, a never ending war, 4000+ dead and now... His own party failed to follow his wishes. His own nominee running for his job failed to persuade them. His speech to the American Public, forget about it!
The irony, the Democrats voted FOR it! McCain failed his first test and George W. just failed his last.
As Chicken Little said... well you get the picture.
*EDIT* After carefully reviewing Nancy Pelosi's pre-vote speech... shame on her! She too can share the blame. This was to be NON Partisan!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Really, don't worry about your mental health. It's not paranoia if everyone really IS out to get you!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Presidential debate... whatever! Bring on the VP's!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tentacles, trillions & talking heads
I hate to admit this... I'm choking on the words... My fingers are cramping typing this... I agree with George W. There, I've said and I'm still breathing. As I said 9 long days ago; the financial world, our day to day living, Wall St. and one of, if not the, biggest companies in the world ... will never be the same. At least, I hope never be the same.
Whoever wrote the speech for Georgie, done himself proud. Whoever did his makeup, Michie would like to point out, less blush next time ok?
I still, however, disagree with the falsely low interest rates, keeping the easy level of available credit... available and protecting $25,000.00 a year earning, $300,000.00 home owning folks! Seriously, what were you thinking? I suppose having $2,000,000.00 a year earning folks telling you you could have it might be some kind of excuse but you must have one or two brain cells! You still owe me, and everyone like me, who actually live within their means an apology. We will be paying this off for you, for a long, long time. And I, for one am pissed!
Whoever wrote the speech for Georgie, done himself proud. Whoever did his makeup, Michie would like to point out, less blush next time ok?
I still, however, disagree with the falsely low interest rates, keeping the easy level of available credit... available and protecting $25,000.00 a year earning, $300,000.00 home owning folks! Seriously, what were you thinking? I suppose having $2,000,000.00 a year earning folks telling you you could have it might be some kind of excuse but you must have one or two brain cells! You still owe me, and everyone like me, who actually live within their means an apology. We will be paying this off for you, for a long, long time. And I, for one am pissed!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Recycled thirty pounds of cat! A quick re-cap of my life for the past week.
Zapato, the thirty pounder, likes to sleep in the recycling box. The paper box, NOT the glass/metal/plastic box. He arranged himself in this position and Mich, of course, snapped a few pics.
Michelle is on strike. Well her Profs are, so no Uni for the past 7 days! Another $2500.00, (one semester,) well spent. (Glad we go that new lap top with the self peeling banana cursor...) She is on the side of the staff and every morning we raise our arms, fists clenched, in greeting to each other and exclaim, "power to the people." She, however, is not a very good proletariat! She has much to learn and I am patiently teaching her. She's a tad pampered to be a true proletariat, so I guess she's proletariat light! She's been working ahead on school stuff, painting the new stairs and doing the dishes! Yes, the Mich... completing domestic chores. Perhaps it is $2500.00 well spent after all?
I've been sorting out insurance woes... I shan't go on about AIG and the Wall Street, self inflicted melt down. Though, if asked, I would expound upon falsely low interest rates, the feeling of "entitlement" over home ownership, mortgages that should never have been issued and perhaps working toward and earning what you have instead of having it handed to you when in reality you can't afford it! But as I said, I shan't rant. OH and those of you who treated me like Chicken Little exclaiming "the sky is falling," bright and early 8 days ago... HA... told you so!
It's going up to 27 degrees (Celsius, 81 degrees for you alternate scale users,) here tomorrow and I'll likely fire up the ac. It's September, get over it and drop into the high teens already! I'm looking forward to the colder weather and love that it's darker sooner and lighter later. I can put my pj's on at 5pm and not be ashamed! Also, firework shows start earlier and are cleaned up and over with sooner! Unlike July where you can't fire until 10pm and aren't out of there until after midnight. It's a win/win for me.
Heroes premiered last night! T'was awesome though I could have lived without watching Syler stick his fingers in Claire's brain! I'm liking the new show Fringe too. House rules! Nothing beats House and if Wilson doesn't come back I will start writing the network.
Ok, for the legions that have been whinging about no new posts, is this enough? Fine, by legions I mean 3 people but percentage of readers wise, 3's a lot. I only have 11,317 visitors to date so 3's a lot. And hey, the 3 are spread all over the country. (Well if you can spread 3 people over a country this size?)
Power to the people!
Michelle is on strike. Well her Profs are, so no Uni for the past 7 days! Another $2500.00, (one semester,) well spent. (Glad we go that new lap top with the self peeling banana cursor...) She is on the side of the staff and every morning we raise our arms, fists clenched, in greeting to each other and exclaim, "power to the people." She, however, is not a very good proletariat! She has much to learn and I am patiently teaching her. She's a tad pampered to be a true proletariat, so I guess she's proletariat light! She's been working ahead on school stuff, painting the new stairs and doing the dishes! Yes, the Mich... completing domestic chores. Perhaps it is $2500.00 well spent after all?
I've been sorting out insurance woes... I shan't go on about AIG and the Wall Street, self inflicted melt down. Though, if asked, I would expound upon falsely low interest rates, the feeling of "entitlement" over home ownership, mortgages that should never have been issued and perhaps working toward and earning what you have instead of having it handed to you when in reality you can't afford it! But as I said, I shan't rant. OH and those of you who treated me like Chicken Little exclaiming "the sky is falling," bright and early 8 days ago... HA... told you so!
It's going up to 27 degrees (Celsius, 81 degrees for you alternate scale users,) here tomorrow and I'll likely fire up the ac. It's September, get over it and drop into the high teens already! I'm looking forward to the colder weather and love that it's darker sooner and lighter later. I can put my pj's on at 5pm and not be ashamed! Also, firework shows start earlier and are cleaned up and over with sooner! Unlike July where you can't fire until 10pm and aren't out of there until after midnight. It's a win/win for me.
Heroes premiered last night! T'was awesome though I could have lived without watching Syler stick his fingers in Claire's brain! I'm liking the new show Fringe too. House rules! Nothing beats House and if Wilson doesn't come back I will start writing the network.
Ok, for the legions that have been whinging about no new posts, is this enough? Fine, by legions I mean 3 people but percentage of readers wise, 3's a lot. I only have 11,317 visitors to date so 3's a lot. And hey, the 3 are spread all over the country. (Well if you can spread 3 people over a country this size?)
Power to the people!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Time to break open the piggy bank! AIG fall sale!
All the best dressed investors are wearing green this season! Unfortunately, the current clientele and stock holders are screwed, however, those looking for a new look are likely to find one amongst the offerings about to hit the runway! Dang, wish I had an extra few billion! Think about it, $85 billion at 11.4%... one day's interest would make me happy!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
$85,000,000,000.00 AIG
I've never typed a number that big. $85 billion, that's the bailout amount the US Feds are rumoured to be giving American International Group. AIG will have to turn over 80% of it's assets. Management will be gone, replaced by new overseers.
I understand the need for this, but cannot help but shake my head. I realized that the entire world financial situation would change over night, should they fail. I understand that the insurance market is not remotely big enough to absorb their books of business. I understand it would be an insurer's market, cherry picking the cream of the crop, charging whatever they wanted. I understand the potential domino effect. I understand that the tangled web of what is owed to whom, who actually owns what and who's going to pay for it all would take years to sort out. I understand all this and hope that this serves as a lesson and these tentacles that spread out, overlap and interweave are cut clean and not allowed to grow back!
*I am no financial expert by any means, this is all just my opinion. I am absolutely fascinated by this entire train wreck and just can't stop watching... and shaking my head while having a slightly sick feeling!*
I understand the need for this, but cannot help but shake my head. I realized that the entire world financial situation would change over night, should they fail. I understand that the insurance market is not remotely big enough to absorb their books of business. I understand it would be an insurer's market, cherry picking the cream of the crop, charging whatever they wanted. I understand the potential domino effect. I understand that the tangled web of what is owed to whom, who actually owns what and who's going to pay for it all would take years to sort out. I understand all this and hope that this serves as a lesson and these tentacles that spread out, overlap and interweave are cut clean and not allowed to grow back!
*I am no financial expert by any means, this is all just my opinion. I am absolutely fascinated by this entire train wreck and just can't stop watching... and shaking my head while having a slightly sick feeling!*
Monday, September 15, 2008
Party like it's 1929!
The bear has gone bull hunting and appears to be winning! I read a comment this morning, I wish I could remember where, it was a reader's comment on one of the news stories and I'd love to give proper credit for it but cannot find it again! "The US economy is fueled by $25,000.00 a year earning WalMart shoppers driving gas guzzling SUV's, who've been told that they qualify to purchase $300,000.00 houses." I think that about sums it up!
Westminster High School, 1976 to 2008!
On Saturday night, 32 years melted away and we were all 18 again! It really was like a Monday morning when you catch up on what happened over the weekend, except, we caught up on 32 years! I loved it.
I loved high school. The 70's were raucous times and school was a blast! (I even liked the classes, math, chemistry & typing excepted of course.)
I have now re-connected with old friends, have them on my Facebook, (if Facebook crashes, it's our fault, sorry! Lots of adding, tagging and catchingupping going on,) and have photos that I can compare to my yearbook pictures. Seriously, I swear some of them could substitute the new pics for the yearbook pics and there would be no difference.
Sunday, I saw my first hummingbird! Driving home I saw a cast of hawks, I noticed the fields of soya beans were brilliant yellow like they were trying to outdo the blooming golden rod and that the trees are starting to turn colour to join the Fall pallet. I was tired but apparently very open and rather emotional. (oh and I'm very, very short aren't I?)
I loved high school. The 70's were raucous times and school was a blast! (I even liked the classes, math, chemistry & typing excepted of course.)
I have now re-connected with old friends, have them on my Facebook, (if Facebook crashes, it's our fault, sorry! Lots of adding, tagging and catchingupping going on,) and have photos that I can compare to my yearbook pictures. Seriously, I swear some of them could substitute the new pics for the yearbook pics and there would be no difference.
Sunday, I saw my first hummingbird! Driving home I saw a cast of hawks, I noticed the fields of soya beans were brilliant yellow like they were trying to outdo the blooming golden rod and that the trees are starting to turn colour to join the Fall pallet. I was tired but apparently very open and rather emotional. (oh and I'm very, very short aren't I?)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Soldier comes home to Windsor
Today I stood with many others, at Manning Road and the 401, to show our respect for Corporal Andrew Grenon who was killed in Afghanistan. His body came home today. I, of course, could not help but to think of my Dad.
(Unfortunately, a local Conservative M.P. chose the roadside to politic. I overheard Mr. Jeff Watson propound upon the CAW, the Liberal Party and their Membership practices and audits, the good news announcement on the tax on diesel fuel and a host of other campaign issues.)
(Unfortunately, a local Conservative M.P. chose the roadside to politic. I overheard Mr. Jeff Watson propound upon the CAW, the Liberal Party and their Membership practices and audits, the good news announcement on the tax on diesel fuel and a host of other campaign issues.)
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
ENRON settlement, $7.2 Billion
and... $2.4 billion of that from CIBC; who only 4 hours ago made a statement that their sub prime mortage holdings were "not as problematic" as they were. I'm guessing this $2.4 billion is a tad problematic? Olympia & York still haunts and now this. I'm glad I have no demand loans with CIBC. (I have no demand loans period, but CIBC is famous for bringing in the hatchet men to collect after big losses, hey you've got to recoup your mistakes some how right?)
Monday, September 08, 2008
Buzz Hargrove - he does have 10 digits!
Unfortunately, he chose only one as his parting gift to the PM. Such a classy final memory with which to leave us. Way to live down to the CAW reputation.
I am not a Harper fan, I know the money for Ford is an election ploy. It is, however, millions of dollars coming into the city with Canada's highest unemployment rate. It's a gift horse, look it in the mouth if you must but for the love of basic decorum... the Office of the Prime Minister deserves more respect than what was shown by "Mr." Hargrove. Were Buzz my child, I'd be washing his hands out with Lysol! (Oh, and sending him to Finishing School.)
I am not a Harper fan, I know the money for Ford is an election ploy. It is, however, millions of dollars coming into the city with Canada's highest unemployment rate. It's a gift horse, look it in the mouth if you must but for the love of basic decorum... the Office of the Prime Minister deserves more respect than what was shown by "Mr." Hargrove. Were Buzz my child, I'd be washing his hands out with Lysol! (Oh, and sending him to Finishing School.)
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Google Chrome - new browser!
Monday, September 01, 2008
US campaign of smear! (aka - the Presidential race)
While I do not support 90% of Sarah Palin's views, I do not think her daughter being pregnant has anything to do with her running for VP. There may be arguments that if she cannot run her family, how can she run a country but teenagers do what teenagers want to do in the best of households. Bristol Palin is not running for office. She has a long and hard future, though likely not as hard as her present! Imagine being 17 and going through a pregnancy never mind the whole world now knowing.
The rumours about Palin have been flying since the announcement of her being chosen by McCain for his running mate. He did not chose the 17 year old daughter! He chose Sarah. Should she turn out to be an unwise choice, so be it. Leave the kids alone, especially leave the vulnerable 17 year old alone.
The irony of the movie "Juno" and now this eh? I do realize Juno was the pregnant teenager's name and not the city, Juneau, in Alaska but now it does seem a tad prophetic no?
I do, however, think that perhaps this shows that preaching birth control by abstinence may NOT be the wisest choice?
Labour Day, or lack thereof!
I am sitting happily at the computer with nothing pressing to do. Granted, I may have been sitting here for quite some time but it's a holiday!
Bob's voice emanates from the living room as he walks toward the computer room, "you better get busy on making breakfast P. Toal, or it's going to interfere with your making me lunch." I am a one meal cooker. I make a nice dinner every night and I feel that is plenty. On his way out of the computer room, whinging about his withering away to nothing, he stops and asks, "what's this money on the buffet? Is it for me?" Before I can answer, he says, "there's forty dollars, that's for me and two scratch tickets, they're for Michelle. I didn't buy her any today because she struck out the last three times I bought her some." Mich then pipes up with, "ya, I'm on probation. He keeps mentioning how I didn't win anything the last three times."
I then ask why he'd think the money was for him and did he not notice the birthday card there as well? To which he promptly replies with, "the card could be for me too." Sadly, as his birthday is 4 days away, he does have a point, which I grudgingly admit and return to playing my game.
Bob then walks toward the front door mumbling, "I'm going over to Robin and Debbie's maybe Debbie has something to eat" and he's out the door!
I'm moving the money, tickets and card from the buffet and am NOT cooking anything until 6pm and I'm going to sloth all day. No matter how bad the whinging gets!
It's my anti-labour day.
**UPDATE** Now Michelle went out the door. She too is on her way to Debbie's house. I hope Debbie has a full fridge! (bunch of whingers!)
Bob's voice emanates from the living room as he walks toward the computer room, "you better get busy on making breakfast P. Toal, or it's going to interfere with your making me lunch." I am a one meal cooker. I make a nice dinner every night and I feel that is plenty. On his way out of the computer room, whinging about his withering away to nothing, he stops and asks, "what's this money on the buffet? Is it for me?" Before I can answer, he says, "there's forty dollars, that's for me and two scratch tickets, they're for Michelle. I didn't buy her any today because she struck out the last three times I bought her some." Mich then pipes up with, "ya, I'm on probation. He keeps mentioning how I didn't win anything the last three times."
I then ask why he'd think the money was for him and did he not notice the birthday card there as well? To which he promptly replies with, "the card could be for me too." Sadly, as his birthday is 4 days away, he does have a point, which I grudgingly admit and return to playing my game.
Bob then walks toward the front door mumbling, "I'm going over to Robin and Debbie's maybe Debbie has something to eat" and he's out the door!
I'm moving the money, tickets and card from the buffet and am NOT cooking anything until 6pm and I'm going to sloth all day. No matter how bad the whinging gets!
It's my anti-labour day.
**UPDATE** Now Michelle went out the door. She too is on her way to Debbie's house. I hope Debbie has a full fridge! (bunch of whingers!)
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