Zapato, the thirty pounder, likes to sleep in the recycling box. The paper box, NOT the glass/metal/plastic box. He arranged himself in this position and Mich, of course, snapped a few pics.
Michelle is on strike. Well her Profs are, so no Uni for the past 7 days! Another $2500.00, (one semester,) well spent. (Glad we go that new lap top with the self peeling banana cursor...) She is on the side of the staff and every morning we raise our arms, fists clenched, in greeting to each other and exclaim, "power to the people." She, however, is not a very good proletariat! She has much to learn and I am patiently teaching her. She's a tad pampered to be a true proletariat, so I guess she's proletariat light! She's been working ahead on school stuff, painting the new stairs and doing the dishes! Yes, the Mich... completing domestic chores. Perhaps it is $2500.00 well spent after all?
I've been sorting out insurance woes... I shan't go on about AIG and the Wall Street, self inflicted melt down. Though, if asked, I would expound upon falsely low interest rates, the feeling of "entitlement" over home ownership, mortgages that should never have been issued and perhaps working toward and earning what you have instead of having it handed to you when in reality you can't afford it! But as I said, I shan't rant. OH and those of you who treated me like Chicken Little exclaiming "the sky is falling," bright and early 8 days ago... HA... told you so!
It's going up to 27 degrees (Celsius, 81 degrees for you alternate scale users,) here tomorrow and I'll likely fire up the ac. It's September, get over it and drop into the high teens already! I'm looking forward to the colder weather and love that it's darker sooner and lighter later. I can put my pj's on at 5pm and not be ashamed! Also, firework shows start earlier and are cleaned up and over with sooner! Unlike July where you can't fire until 10pm and aren't out of there until after midnight. It's a win/win for me.
Heroes premiered last night! T'was awesome though I could have lived without watching Syler stick his fingers in Claire's brain! I'm liking the new show Fringe too. House rules! Nothing beats House and if Wilson doesn't come back I will start writing the network.
Ok, for the legions that have been whinging about no new posts, is this enough? Fine, by legions I mean 3 people but percentage of readers wise, 3's a lot. I only have 11,317 visitors to date so 3's a lot. And hey, the 3 are spread all over the country. (Well if you can spread 3 people over a country this size?)
Power to the people!