The puppy is tossed off a cliff. There is video, I will not post it to play here.
I'll put up a link, watch it if you want. Warning... it's too sad for words!
(cut and paste into your browser)
The actions of these men do not reflect the vast majority of the military personnel serving, however, this is what they end up judged by. I hope they get some serious military punishment. They are a disgrace to their uniforms.
Some are saying that this video is faked, pretty low quality for that I think. Others are saying it's a "toy dog." I can see it open it's mouth and the scruff of the neck skin by which it is being held pretty much negates it being a stuffed toy.
Oh. my. god.
If there is some kind of poll on whether or not the marines should be punished, we vote 'YES - PUNISH THEM TO THE FULLEST POSSIBLE EXTENT'. We just heard this story on our local news channel....and we are sick to our stomachs. We are hoping the base continues its investigation.....I guess those marines aren't witnessing enough death...? I say THEY are the animals.
Thanks for your comment. I don't know if you are on base in Hawaii but I do know that these men don't represent what the Marines stand for. The fact that they are dumb enough to film this and then let the film be posted does not add anything to their case either.
Who cares? Marines tortured hundreds of Iraqis at Abu Ghrab. Nobody cares. But one may or may not have tossed a puppy around and everyone goes insane.
This ignores what might have made a Marine crazy enough to do this, PTSD anyone?
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Actually I care. As the daughter of a career Soldier, I care how it reflects on the military. As a person, with compassion, I care about how cruelty to animals. And you can believe I cared mightily when the news came out about Abu Ghrab.
I appreciate the comments very much.
I have, however, rejected many, many of them. I cannot condone violence for violence. Please, this is an anomoly for the proud men & women who serve their countries.
It was obvious that this was going to go viral. I decided to post it because I wanted to put the word out there that this is NOT inductive of proud Military behaviour.
and by inductive... I meant indicative! oops
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