Syesha... ok
Chikezie... first night I thought he belonged there! wow
Ramiele... great voice, just ok tonight
David H... can thank the little country dervish or he'd be going home
Carly... Ireland rocks! Sham- rocks even! hehe
Jason... should go on tour with Leonard Cohen, he's great.
Brooke... should tour with James Taylor, she's lovely.
David C... O.M.G. - Elinor Rigby like it's never been sung! Stupendous!
Michael... he can sing, t'was a bit boring though
Amanda... same as last week, the week before and next week likely... yawn (and that hair!)
Kristy... O.M.G. and NOT in a good way! frantic, messy, made me slightly nauseous!
David A... I think he psyched himself with worry, should have sung "Michelle".
So... Kristy had better be going home for that god awful mess!
I'm with you Pat...worst song choice and "putting her own country funk on it" goes to 8 Days a Week by Kristy....oh good lord, she couldn't sing it and she needs her mama to sew up her drawers.
hehe, she said her mama advised her on the song! I hope her sewing is better than her musical skills! :)
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