Really I shouldn't say anything beyond... David Cook! OMG! and thank goodness Debbie was here, she said "that's a Michael Jackson song." (Debbie loved this version.) I was dubious. Having never been an MJ fan, Ben aside, after all, who doesn't love a good rat song, I didn't even recognize it as Billy Jean! Amazing. Stop the show, I wanna get off.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pp4Prf2TuS0 :youtube link, cut & paste
*Edit* I was not aware this version was done by Chris Cornell and was not original. Apparently Ryan did say this, I missed it.**
However, to sum up:
Ramiele: eh
Jason: still like him but tonight: ok
Syesha: heard it before, many, many times
Chikezi: eh
Carly: still love her voice, song that's sung waaaaaaaaay to often though
Michael: ok, but doesn't have enough to win this
Brooke: cute as a button, great voice, will have a career but won't win
David A: did a great job of what ever the heck that song was
Kristy: when you can't win, make it UnAmerican NOT to vote for you! (in spite of the bad notes!) Can you spell pander?
Which takes us back to David Cook: OMG! (and he was humble not cocky which was nice)
ps: not my favourite show as most of them were born in the 80's and the 80's is not what I would call a stellar decade, music wise...
meh. the best part of billie jean is the beat.. and also if you perform that song the floor should light up as you walk along it in floodpants. Its a rule. M.
Ah you '80s folks... :)
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