Michelle decided to make homemade biscuits from scratch today... She's home sick, with flu-like symptoms and thought she needed them to go with her soup.
Actually, here's the whole story. I have a glass top stove. Within a month of buying it, I chipped the glass over one burner. We do not use it now. I've taken the knob off so it can't be accidentally turned on. (Apparently the glass could shatter and explode, taking out eyes in the process, due to the weak point. I'm sure they're fibbing, trying to get me to buy new glass, which costs more than the stove did, but, just in case, I'm not chancing it!) Another salient point is... we do NOT open each other's mail! So... when mail comes in, for some reason, mine gets put on the burner we don't use. I should mention that all junk mail goes in the same spot. Up to now, it's NOT been a problem.
Today, at work, the phone rings. It's the Mich... a tad excited. My interest peaked, I ask what's wrong. She then goes on to say, "you know how when mail comes in we put it on the stove? Well I was making biscuits, I pre-heated the oven, I opened the door and the mail got sucked in!" Apparently the fire was no longer flaming but there were still embers. Additionally, there was a fairly substantial piece of paper in there.
Once I'd determined my darling child and the kitchen were in no danger, Michelle got a pair of tongs and, with me on the phone listening... removed the remaining paper shreds and went on to bake her biscuits. At this point I heard the phrase for which I'd been waiting... "this is why I don't cook!"
Perhaps I've failed her as a Mother? Should I have told her that electric ovens do NOT require kindling?
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