I apologize, the link I had here was hijacked and directed you to another site: below the cartoon is a great link for information on MRSA.
Today, new stats were released about MRSA, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is rising at an alarming rate. Am I surprised... nope. I know many, many people who have contracted this infection. I know some who've died, some who've recovered and some who battle still.
Let me tell you what I've seen.
Sadly, I've had many, many occasions, over the years, to sit at hospital bedsides. What have I seen? I've seen health care "professionals" come into the room gloved. Lets pretend it's a geriatric ward, 4 patients. They come in, protected and go bed to bed, adjusting, moving and touching. What's wrong with this picture? The health care provider is protected but what about the 4 patients in the room? What about the 4 in the next and the next...
I have asked, on far more than one occasion, for the provider, usually a nurse, to change her gloves... My doesn't that go over well! I've seen it in hospitals and nursing homes. I've seen it in Labs where they run tests. Thankfully, NOT in my dentist's office! (ick!)
So one cannot help but wonder, what happened when I wasn't there? So yes, we must wash our hands but for crying out loud... change your gloves between patients! It's not rocket science folks.
Oh... and quit using anti-bacterial stuff in your house!