The furnace lasted the night. It's still running, off and on every 5 minutes, but running, so that's good. However...
Michelle sat down at the computer, tried to log onto the University website and... nothing, zip, nada at which point she exclaimed, "can't anything work in this house!" Followed by "I have three mid-terms this week, if we have no heat, no internet; I'll be living at the library!" I told her it was just a blip, try another browser and another site. Nothing. Then I remembered that we have cable phone now. (No, not my doing.) I go to the phone... nothing, zip, nada. This is not good. The furnace guy is supposed to come between 8 and 1pm. What if he calls?
I decided to call the cable company and see what's going on. I have three options 1 for cable tv problems, 2 for cable internet problems and 3 for cable phone problems. I don't know what to do? Really I need to push 23 but that isn't going to work, so I picked the phone one. While I was on hold they so kindly told me to visit www.cogeco.com for all my needs, just click techincal support! How cute are they? If I had frickin internet I wouldn't frickin need to click it. Oh it's cute too how if you do go online and click "phone problems" it says to call 611! adorable eh?
Ok, back to the furnace issue, I get my cell phone. I call the toll free number of our new furnace contract company, (No, not my doing... I didn't know we changed companies,) I dial and push my way through 754 options until I get a human.
Well, human she was but ummmm... let me put it this way, I finally asked, "where are you?" She tried to dodge, I asked again, "she averted." I specifically asked "in what fricking country are you?" She couldn't avoid that one and replied, "the phillippines!" Now... language issues aside, what the heck do they know about fricking furnaces in the fricking Phillippines? From Alabat to Zamboanga it's between 72 & 82 degrees fahrenheit! I demanded a local number, she couldn't stray from the script. I was getting firmer, she couldn't stray from the script. She finally offered to transfer me to someone in Canada... and cut me off!
So... I'm thinking heck I'll have to use a fricking phone book as we have no internet. I never use the phone book anymore. Mostly because of the teeny, tiny print and my old, old eyes. I find another number... I dial... I get the same 754 options, a new voice answers. "thank you for calling...blah blah blah." My first question? "In what country are you?" Ha! Toronto, Canada! Much closer to me than the tropical Phillippines. So we've made some progress. I tell her my phone's dead, give her my cell number, settle the appointment, get a confirmation number and all is well right?
Not so much! I call Bob's work to tell him to call my cell, I leave a message. He calls back, I answer... "you have one minute left on your card" is what I hear! I have a pay and talk, I never use it... well except today. I quickly tell Bob what's going on and hang up.
I need to put minutes on my card. I decide to call #123 (a free call to my lovely provider,) and do it on my credit card. Nope... Something in my neighbourhood interferes with the signal... #123 is a long distance call from here and I don't have enough minutes! Michelle takes my phone, my money and goes to the store, buys a card and drives around the neighbourhood until she hits a spot that will let her call #123 for free and add my minutes!
The cable's back working... the phone... the tv. The furnace I don't want to talk about!
Oh and I'm off to go have a mammogram! oh yay... it just gets better and better!