Wednesday, I was talking about the CIBC, (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce,) recounting how in the '80's they had a big piece of the Olympia & York debacle and lost all that money. They then sent out "hatchet men" to collect demand loans from small companies to make up the money the big guys lost them. (I won't even talk about the Enron thing!) Thursday, CIBC announces it lost 1.46 BILLION due to the US sub-prime market!
This morning I was all the way downstairs about to have a bath when I turned around, went back upstairs and grabbed the portable phone. Mich is on slack week, Bob's on afternoons and both were still sleeping. I was no sooner in the tub... the phone rang! No one calls me at 8am but today, someone did and I was ready. ha!
The reason I'm writing this is the dream I was having when I awoke this morning. It is so bizarre that I seriously think you will assume I've lost my mind. (Comments are moderated so don't waste your time!)
Ok, here it is. I was walking up a set of stairs, outdoors, with Hugh Laurie, Dr. House on tv. I think I was trying to convince him that I was the love of his life and that I knew I could only make his life better. He, however, had other ideas and let me down "gently", in his oh so, Dr. House way! We reach the top of the stairs and he tells me to go do my job.
So where are we? Let my try to describe it. It's a reservoir. One side is a natural & rocky slope. There are people standing all over the slope, a woman is on a cell phone and her voice is echoing across the reservoir. I don't remember what she is saying. There are guards everywhere, (dressed in Nazi uniforms- it's a dream, who knows?) People are picnicing, some are reading and all of them are angry with the loud woman on the cell phone. The guards are staring at her.
Hugh Laurie is still standing there and is miffed that I haven't left to go do my job but I don't know what my job is. He points to the other side of the water. It's the University of Western Ontario student centre. Then my alarm went off.
So I'm really hoping none of that comes true, except the meeting Hugh Laurie part!
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