When Mich first started with ornithology, she wanted to get a chickadee at our feeder. Finally today, when she's in London, we get one! I told her by phone and she was very excited! So I'm blogging the little bugger so Mich can see him online.
No whinging Annie! Remember it's my blog, I can blog about whatever I want! ;þ (I love you xo) ps, the male woodpecker is here right now too but I'll spare you more pics as that's the bird you specifically complained about!
I am the only one brave enough to tell you.... ENOUGH BIRDS ALREADY!!!! Everybody else is too afraid.....
Love u
At least pick a more interesting thing to watch. How about Bob napping?
You are going to be one of those old ladies we read about with 30 cats and 30 birds and .............
:þ Annie, Annie, Annie...
That's a nuthatch, not a chickadee.
Yep it is... I realized it the next day and posted a retraction! :)
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