Apparently when you turn 50 you must undergo a battery of tests. Now, some of them are so icky I shall NOT share the details. The one that really pisses me off is the cholestoral test. I have successfully avoided it for years! I had one in the 80's, didn't like it, well, didn't like the results and following instructions, so I changed Doctors! (Well, that and he shot his wife, he actually didn't mean to shoot his wife, he was aiming for his daughter's boyfriend, but still... how can you take diet advice from a guy with such bad aim? Seriously think about it, how do I know he read the results properly? As an aside, Bob called him "quick draw," to his face! But that's another post)(aside #2, yes he's still practicing in Windsor!)
Back to being 50. I now must have a zillion bloods tests, regular Mamograms, ("we compress because we care") and a litany of others. So, I was to have them last Thursday. I thought I was good. Nothing to eat or drink after 12. Normally I wouldn't anyway after about 6:30pm but Patty came over at about 8:30pm so out came the wine. Actually, she brought it with her. I, therefore, drank until around 10pm. I get up, forgo my morning Tim's (not happily) and trot off to the Doc's office where I learn it was 12 hours , not after 12. So, no tests.
Tonight I cannot have anything after 8pm until I get my tests at 8am!
As I sit here, the bottle of wine right here, beside me, at the computer desk, (it really is, though only because I forgot to bring my glass to the kitchen so to save a trip I brought the bottle to the glass,) I am cooking a feast and will NOT eat/drink after 8pm!
Do not talk to me until AFTER the stupid blood tests tomorrow as I will NOT have had my morning Tims.
This turning 50, other than the great surprise party... sucks!
ps... my spell check is not working, I did mention the bottle here on the desk right? Please excuse any typos.
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