Luckily no one happened to be looking out their back door, camera in hand, as I, in a fury, went out twice this morning! In my purple, kitty cat pajamas; once wearing a faux leopard coat. (Would have been some pic eh?)
The first time, two pigeons had planted themselves on the feeder and were gorging whilst all the little birds sat, with sad little faces, watching! I chased the pigeons away and they retreated to the ground, under the feeder where they belong!
The second time? A squirrel was hanging from the woodpecker suet cage and... voila... managed to open it. He fell to the ground with the suet and proceeded to drag it away! Now... I grabbed my faux leopard, (looks rather predatory!) and raced outside. Grabbed up the suet and put it back in the cage.
10 minutes later, it's back on the ground being eaten by said squirrel. Luckily 1/2 hour prior, my lovely neighbours brought over 5 more suets! I've decided to let the little bugger keep that one. Later I will go out, not in my pj's and move the cage to a spot the squirrels can't get a purchase.
This bird stuff is hard work!
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