Bob, my oh so supportive spouse, is always saying things to me like; "why is it I've been driving for 40 years and have never had an accident? You can't go to Tim Hortons without actually having one or almost having one?"
Once, I was hit by a Doctor coming out of the hospital parking area at 8:30am on a bright sunny morning with no other cars on the road! I tried to avoid him, I swerved, braked, cursed... nothing worked. After we exchanged information, in a funeral home parking lot, I went home. Bob was asleep as he had worked afternoon shift. I woke him up, told him I'd had an accident. He mumbled "ok," rolled over and went back to sleep! I shook him and asked incredulously, "aren't you even going to ask me anything?" His reply; "you're here, you're talking, you're walking, you're obviously ok." I was shocked! "Don't you even want to see the car?" His reply, "I've seen it smacked up before!" rude, rude, rude! He finally tore himself awake, stomped outside, glanced, told me to go see Joe at Dominion Collision and stumbled back to bed.
He says things like, "why is it every time you go out, you come home with some weird story?" I can't help it. I'm a magnet, I admit it. Last night, Michelle and I met at the Mall. We were leaving, Mich driving her car behind mine, when a crazy lady pushing a shopping cart across the driveway, in the dark, parked it in front of my car and started banging on my passenger window! I signaled for her to go away, she was actually frightening me. She wouldn't leave. I kept yelling "go away!" I started inching my car ahead, she moved, I turned the corner then stopped to make sure Michelle was ok behind me. The lady didn't' bother her.
Then we were coming up Crawford Ave. There was a car ahead of me being driven slowly and strangely. It took a huge wide berth when passing parked cars, it swerved into the oncoming lane. It braked for no reason. It finally stopped and was signaling a left turn, I went to go around it, it turned right! I braked, honked, yelled and missed him!
So you see, it's nothing I do wrong. It's just my Karma. Some are meant to walk this earth with on a path that is smooth and straight, I, however, am given the path with bumps, pot holes, pitches and detours.
I'm not complaining, I just wish Bob would realize that I'm on a completely different road than he is. We both end up in the same place, it's the getting there that's the story.
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