When a show has to resort to what they used on Lost tonight they should know that the plot is beyond being assisted by captioning!
I think that even Tomtom couldn't help them now. "Tomtom, tell me how to get back to the original well written plots please" "I'm sorry you've wandered so far off the grid, even I can't bring you back."
Give it up, pull the plug. Put a giant volcano on the Island, bring forth giant spews of lava, let them just get out of this miasma with a shred of dignity.
Seriously, I tried, I tried to watch, it was too painful. Thank goodness for good old Law & Order!
They jumped the shark.
Too bad it didn't eat the writers!
LOL! I would gladly give them my TomTom GO 720, that thing has gotten me out of situations plenty of times! They could use the Help Me! feature!
:) thanks for dropping by and for the offer of the TomTom for the poor lost souls!
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