I'm in my new office. Computer's hooked up, (obviously,) and I'm sitting at my desk. Let me expound; sitting at my desk, uncomfortably! My new desk is 1/2" shorter than my old desk. Robin bought me a new, fancy, ergonomic chair. I hated it. I have now wheeled every chair here, in and out of my new office. I settled on the one in which I'm sitting. Now that I've been in it a while... NOPE!
They are all either; too poofy, too hard, too squishy, too high, too low, too spinny, too squeaky or just too whatever! I'm sure I've tried 10 or more different ones to no avail.
I want my 1/2" taller desk back and my old chair dammit!
*EDIT* I discovered the real problem. As time went on I was not just hating the chairs, I was getting dizzy. I noticed that if I just barely opened a drawer it would finish opening on it's own. Then I put a glue stick down and it rolled toward me! The desk was only 1/2" lower in the front! The desk was off kilter, not level. My sense of balance is delicate at best, (long story, severe case of labyrinthitis leaving a permanently damaged nerve in my inner ear...) if a room, floor etc. is off kilter I actually start to feel dizzy and sick. I guess sitting at the tilting desk was enough today.
Dave kindly raised the front and voila... all is well. Now I need to get the fancy schmancy new chair back from Robin's office and give it another whirl!
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