So lets see... Day started by going to get the newspaper. The one that used to be delivered into my mailbox and is now tossed onto my porch with an elastic around it. I picked it up and... a cat had peed on it! Yep, that's twice in a week. We have a few, (few defined as 169) strays in the neighbourhood. So... I had to go to the store to get Bob a new paper. I was on Caron Avenue, waiting behind a blue Sunfire to make a right turn. She was going straight. She started to go, changed her mind and backed up into the front end of my car.
Ruining my accumulating record of two years and one month for not having a car accident! I think this is number 11 in 9 years or maybe 9 in 11 years though I think the point is moot as the basic issue is obvious. I'm a magnet. I have a "please hit me" arrow over me. I do know that this happens only when I'm alone in the car... well except the one time I had 7 kids in my Town Car, all but one happened within three blocks of my house, the other in front of my work and it doesn't matter what I'm driving. Towne Car, Comet, Olds 88, Olds 2 door sport, Grand Am I've smacked em all up! So far the Malibu has escaped my magnet (shhhhhhhhhhh!.)
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