Well, Bob (next door,) Susan and I went over to Patty's (radio reporter) and fixed her dishwasher,(well Bob (next door) fixed the dishwaser,) we drank wine (yes at 1pm on a Sunday, what's it to you?) and picked up her antique radio.
I came home, finished up the new aquarium. Not sure if 8 gold fish isn't a tad too much for a 30 gallon but we shall see. I took the 5 gallon apart but am leaving the 15 gallon running just in case. Someone needs to tell the little beggars that they now have a ginormous amount of space. All 8 of them (and they are NOT small fish,) huddle in one corner. They need to expand their horizions dammit!
Patty, me and some other friends/work mates/family went to Dean Martini's for a VIP night where we were tres VIPish. Free drinks reserved seats and ballots for a $1000 diamond necklace. Hope you don't have to be there to win as I left just after 11pm. (old)
If I win, hmmmm... I don't like diamonds. Cold/hard/colourless... EBay?
I must go to bed, Cable's coming tomorrow. I have a firm appointment... between 8am and 5pm! My upload/download speeds suck. (pardon the techy term!) I called, I explained I had eliminated my computer/moden/router as the cause and that he should run a line test... He didn't believe me, we chatted, I techy talked him into running a test and... ta da... problems on the line. Massive spikes. I already knew that as they fried my RAM two years ago and I bought an $80.00 power bar that my cable goes into before the modem. The problem? I am house #1 of 500... re-set me, you get phone calls from 499 other houses. I will still let them come out and tell me the same thing. Then make them change my wires. Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to be #1 :(