Monday, August 25, 2008

On the road again...

I know and sorry. Not much blogging happening here lately. Too busy, too much travel and well, I have places to go and people to see. I will be back! Save the comments for then ok? :)

Friday, August 08, 2008

3 computers, 3 different operating systems! HELP!

We just bought Mich a brand spanking new lap top with the works, including an external hard drive! It's Vista. The machine I'm using right now is XP. My oldest machine... well it's Windows 98. Not a pretty picture! I did make the XP and the 98 machine play nice. I have just finished making the Vista and the XP machines play nice. I will NOT even consider making them both play nice with the 98 machine at the same time. Not gonna happen! I suppose I'm going to have to upgrade my "spare" PC. Or... just go buy another one! hehe, don't tell Bob ok? He's stressed enough with having 3 machines and only 2 users. The 98 machine is a good one, not too old, just an old operating system. So, my home network is 3 machines with only 2 of them playing together at any one time. Works for me!

Oh, if you're in Windsor Ontario and want to buy a machine go to PC Outfitters... they are great! Google for the number.

Fireworks & a firestorm


The Russian Prime Minister is in Beijing watching fireworks, the Russian President is at home starting a war? One's watching athletes proudly parade, one's ordering a formation of tanks to rumble into South Ossetia, Georgia.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Kwame Kilpatrick... From the Mayor's house to "the big house!"

Why this man is still in office is beyond me. Detroit is a laughingstock. Though now that I think of it, Clinton stayed where he was too.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Courtesy CNN

I just flipped over to CNN and saw this, I actually gasped out loud. I spent my 17th summer lying in the back yard, by the pool reading, (well, trying to read, I was very young,) The Gulag Archipelago. It is not a book that reads easily. I put it down, picked it back up and really spent an entire summer reading it; it's over 1800 pages long but worth every single tree that died for it's publication. I re-read it in my twenties. I then went out and got every book I could find by Solzhenitsyn. Cancer Ward, A Day In the Life of Ivan Densiovich, Warning To The West, August 1914, The First Circle... anything I could find. What a man, what a mind, what a shame. His life, one of exile, hardship and love for his Country, but not it's leaders leads one to realize how lucky we are.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Yet another Microsoft problem in IE!

If you are using Firefox, you can read my blog. If you are using IE good luck! This started last night and at first I thought the problem was my machine. It seems to only happen in pages that have the site meter code. If you are using IE, you can't read this anyway but maybe seeing the pic for a second or two will give you a clue. The error message reads:

Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://______________ Operation aborted.

Hopefully Microsoft fixes this soon. I assume they will be inundated with complaints from the throngs who visit the popular celebrity gossip blogs as they all have site meter code.