Thursday, March 27, 2008

MRSA, hand washing, gloves... and what I've seen

I apologize, the link I had here was hijacked and directed you to another site: below the cartoon is a great link for information on MRSA.

Today, new stats were released about MRSA, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is rising at an alarming rate. Am I surprised... nope. I know many, many people who have contracted this infection. I know some who've died, some who've recovered and some who battle still.

Let me tell you what I've seen.

Sadly, I've had many, many occasions, over the years, to sit at hospital bedsides. What have I seen? I've seen health care "professionals" come into the room gloved. Lets pretend it's a geriatric ward, 4 patients. They come in, protected and go bed to bed, adjusting, moving and touching. What's wrong with this picture? The health care provider is protected but what about the 4 patients in the room? What about the 4 in the next and the next...

I have asked, on far more than one occasion, for the provider, usually a nurse, to change her gloves... My doesn't that go over well! I've seen it in hospitals and nursing homes. I've seen it in Labs where they run tests. Thankfully, NOT in my dentist's office! (ick!)

So one cannot help but wonder, what happened when I wasn't there? So yes, we must wash our hands but for crying out loud... change your gloves between patients! It's not rocket science folks.

Oh... and quit using anti-bacterial stuff in your house!

Spring has sprung... a leak!

I took a picture of a Robin, the supposed harbinger of Spring, in my back yard this morning. I was planning on posting it this evening. Good thing I waited... he was a liar! Shame, shame, shame...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

# of visits breaks... 7000!

Welcome #7001. Thanks for dropping in! (I do realize that in the blogosphere that's not an amazing number but hey, I'm excited.)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

American Idol, recap of the "top 10"

Really I shouldn't say anything beyond... David Cook! OMG! and thank goodness Debbie was here, she said "that's a Michael Jackson song." (Debbie loved this version.) I was dubious. Having never been an MJ fan, Ben aside, after all, who doesn't love a good rat song, I didn't even recognize it as Billy Jean! Amazing. Stop the show, I wanna get off. :youtube link, cut & paste

*Edit* I was not aware this version was done by Chris Cornell and was not original. Apparently Ryan did say this, I missed it.**

However, to sum up:

Ramiele: eh
Jason: still like him but tonight: ok
Syesha: heard it before, many, many times
Chikezi: eh
Carly: still love her voice, song that's sung waaaaaaaaay to often though
Michael: ok, but doesn't have enough to win this
Brooke: cute as a button, great voice, will have a career but won't win
David A: did a great job of what ever the heck that song was
Kristy: when you can't win, make it UnAmerican NOT to vote for you! (in spite of the bad notes!) Can you spell pander?

Which takes us back to David Cook: OMG! (and he was humble not cocky which was nice)

ps: not my favourite show as most of them were born in the 80's and the 80's is not what I would call a stellar decade, music wise...

Don't you just hate when this happens?

U.S. says missile parts mistakenly sent to Taiwan

* Ballistic missile components sent to Taiwan, Pentagon says - Pat says, Homeland Security?
* Taiwan had requested radio batteries - Pat says, label the boxes.
* U.S. military has retrieved missile parts from Taiwan; probe is under way - Pat says, China may consider that a no no. Finders Keepers!
* U.S. notifies China, which considers Taiwan to be a renegade province - Pat says, whew... those Monks are dangerous enough!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Some people just have to learn the hard way!

How NOT to start your year...

Feb. 8, 1008
Tecumseh and Lakeshore O.P.P. officers were called to a Plaza located on Tecumseh Road, in the Town of Tecumseh at approximately 6:06 pm on Monday night the 4th February 2008. The officers were told that a man in a white Cadillac was pointing a hand gun.
Officers arrived and conducted a High Risk take down of (4) Four men at this location. A small handgun was seized at the scene by officers.
Assisted by the OPP Essex County Crime Unit, Tecumseh O.P.P. has charged the following men with several Criminal Code Offences in relation to this incident.
Charged are;

(1) Dusan ARLOV age 28 of Windsor, Ont.
Careless use of a firearm, section 86(1) Criminal Code
Unauthorized use of a firearm, section 91(1) Criminal Code
Occupant of a motor vehicle knowing there was a firearm, section 94 Criminal Code
Point Firearm, section 87 Criminal Code
Assault with a weapon, section 267(a) Criminal Code

March 21, 2008

A driver clocked at 205 kilometres an hour along Highway 401 was nabbed by police near Chatham yesterday.
Chatham-Kent OPP officers, having received complaints from several other drivers about a speeding car, stopped a white Cadillac that was going more than double the highway speed limit.

Dusan Arlov, 28, of Windsor is charged with racing under the Highway Traffic Act, resulting in an automatic seven-day driver's licence suspension. His car was also impounded for a week.

And to quote "The Band"
Big white Cadillac
I hope somebody's got my back, boy
Wheels burnin' on the rim
Cause we're closin' in
We're gonna rock this town again
Big white Cadillac
I hope somebody's got my back, boy
Wheels burnin' on the rim
Cause we're closin' in
Big white Cadillac

I think maybe Dusan should get himself a minivan!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I'm having Easter dinner today, for 13 people. Bob's Brothers and Sister and their families. Bob was about to leave with his list of last minute things to get at the store when I opened the cutlery drawer to get a tablespoon. I should mention that I own about 15 tablespoons.

There were two. I immediately exclaimed that by now he really should know the difference between tablespoons and serving spoons; and went to the utensil drawer below. He retorted with "hey, you should be grateful you don't have to do the dishes." Bob does usually do the dishes. I told him that I've explained the spoon sizes to him on numerous occasions over the past 25 years. His eyes glazed over.

I held up, with great flourish, a tablespoon and a serving spoon and told him to note the size difference.

He walked out the door waving goodbye and wishing me fun sorting out my spoons!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Guillermo Habacuc Vargas, an "artist" who starved a dog, in a gallery, while patrons "viewed."

This is actually from October '07. I've been avoiding blogging this as it is just too, well, too much really.

Apparently he had three children catch the dog. He tied it up in an "art" gallery and ordered that no one feed or water the dog. No one stopped him, no one, not even the gallery staff, did anything. Patrons walked around the "exhibit."

The dog died.

**EDIT** the exhibit, as it turns out, was not in Costa Rica but in Nicaragua. There seem to be different versions out there on the web. The artist is Costa Rican and has been chosen to represent Costa Rica in the art show.

When you spend your tourist dollars in Costa Rica, think about that! Oh, when you spend your tourist dollars in Costa Rica, think about the fact that Guillermo Habacuc Vargas has been chosen as one of their representatives to a major Central American Art show!

What's next? Come view the chained up Canadian tourist begging for a a drop of water?

Hello... anybody out there?

It's 4:30am, I've been up for 1/2 an hour... want to play cards? Ha, you're missing a beautiful clear sky and brilliant full moon by sleeping! Jealous?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

American Idol; 2 out of 3 ain't bad...

I was shocked to see Carly in the bottom three, give your heads, (and dialing fingers) a shake America!

I was, however, NOT shocked to see Amanda aka Cruellea and Kristy. Amanda didn't even sing in the opening number. I actually thought she had left the show or something, until she magically appeared on the couch. Then she lip synced a bit and then sang about 5 words, sort of. I have yet to decide if she was just incapable of singing, yes, just singing... not screaming, straining and bending, or if she just announced that she would not sing that type of music? She's arrogant enough to have done that, in my opinion.

Then I was torn, which one did I want to see leave more... either way, good choice.

The harbinger of Spring!

Today on my way home from work, 5:15pm by Jackson Park... I saw a robin!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

American Idol recap

Amanda - (aka, Cruella with a bad hairdresser) I said, it last week, the judges said it this week, she'll sing it again next week... yawn... ps Janis Joplin songs DON'T all sound the same... hint hint

Kristy - time to hide the girl away... far, far away

Michael- ok, picked the wrong song to try to condense into 1 1/2 minutes

Carly - OMG didn't realize how much she looks like Dr. Cuddy on House at certain angles! Also, Amanda, take a lesson. You don't have to scream and bend over like you're constipated through every song! I loved it.

David A. - What's not to like. If he hit Broadway tomorrow he'd be a star.

Brooke _ like Diana Krall & Carly Simon, needs a big piece of furniture in front of her to be fantastic but the girl has huge talent. (Cute and self effacing too.)

David C. - too good for this show.

Syesha - probably the best vocal of the night, (and the cutest outfit according to Michelle.)

Jason - Gets his pic up tonight as he sang... Michelle! Of course he is now Mich's auto favourite. There's something about him you have to like! (Besides the great voice I mean, oh and in spite of the bad hair.)

Chikezi - nah

Ramiele - she can sing, just hasn't shown it the last couple of weeks.

Example to your children, regardless of their age! (Or your's for that matter!)

Yesterday I was behind a blue Caravan, here in Windsor Ontario, yep a "soccer Mom" car and beside the license plate was the above pic. Beside the driver, don't know if it was Dad or Mom, was a kid. So... when the kid says to Mom, "kiss my ass," how does she respond? Is she shocked? Dismayed? Horrified? Angry? Well... maybe Mommy Dearest, you should look in the mirror. Same as all the tough guys with Calvin, of "Calvin & Hobbs" fame peeing plastered on Ford F150's all over the road. When your little boy pees on your sofa, get over it.

We, as adults are meant to set the example. Swear like a trucker in front of them, what the "he, double hockey sticks," do you think you're going to hear from your little angels? Teach them to cheat, lie, bully and steal by example... surprise... you reap what you sow.

I despair for today's society. The English language, manners and doing what's right is apparently only something with which I am concerned.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Looking for love in all the wrong places...

I blog about, birds, stamps, my family, work, world events... why, oh why would someone search my blog for a live sex cam? (click the pic of the log to read) OMG! fortunately, the search came up empty! My pic is up there, I'm a 50 year old woman for pete sake. (I wonder if he was cute, rich, a Governor maybe?) wink wink...

County trip with Bob

I told Bob yesterday that I wanted to go with him for his "Sunday drive." We'd go see his brother in Amherstburg. He whinged. Today, I told him I'd be ready in an hour and we'd be off. He whinged.

On our way out the door, I told him I wanted to go out to Harrow to a little antique shop. He replied with, "don't get the idea that you're going to be spending every Sunday with me just because I'm taking you today!" I ignored him. On our way out of town I was commenting on things we were passing, he replied with, "are you going to talk the whole trip?" I ignored him.

We went to the antique store and he was a prince. He wandered while I sorted through old post cards looking at stamps. I fell into a box of US stamp plate blocks from the 70's, some Canada plate blocks from the 40's, some First Day Covers and I now own Icelandic stamps, for only $15.00! He feigned interest, but didn't whinge!

We went to his brother's. Had a lovely visit, and HE chatted all the way home. I made no snide comments!

Friday, March 14, 2008

My other blog

I have started a blog about my stamp collection for you philately aficionados out there! I now have stamps from Israel, thank you Ann & Joey! xo

(if you want to take a look)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

American Idol elimination re-cap...

Not only did I have to listen to that frenzied mashup of "8 days a week" again... she's still there! bah!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

American Idol re-cap a la moi.

Here are my thoughts on tonight's performances. I know that my opinion doesn't really matter but hey, it's my blog so I get to voice them! ha!

Syesha... ok
Chikezie... first night I thought he belonged there! wow
Ramiele... great voice, just ok tonight
David H... can thank the little country dervish or he'd be going home
Carly... Ireland rocks! Sham- rocks even! hehe
Jason... should go on tour with Leonard Cohen, he's great.
Brooke... should tour with James Taylor, she's lovely.
David C... O.M.G. - Elinor Rigby like it's never been sung! Stupendous!
Michael... he can sing, t'was a bit boring though
Amanda... same as last week, the week before and next week likely... yawn (and that hair!)
Kristy... O.M.G. and NOT in a good way! frantic, messy, made me slightly nauseous!
David A... I think he psyched himself with worry, should have sung "Michelle".

So... Kristy had better be going home for that god awful mess!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Microsoft, Vista - glad I resisted!

Sucks when your intra-company emails enter the public domain!

Two new machines ordered for the office, I insisted on XP. whew! Again, even Microsoft's big cheeses can't make it work! Oh and there are THREE versions of Vista. Good, Better, Best... big kerfuffle over what to put on the stickers to best obscure, I mean, explain, the differences.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Biscuits a la Michelle!

Michelle decided to make homemade biscuits from scratch today... She's home sick, with flu-like symptoms and thought she needed them to go with her soup.

Actually, here's the whole story. I have a glass top stove. Within a month of buying it, I chipped the glass over one burner. We do not use it now. I've taken the knob off so it can't be accidentally turned on. (Apparently the glass could shatter and explode, taking out eyes in the process, due to the weak point. I'm sure they're fibbing, trying to get me to buy new glass, which costs more than the stove did, but, just in case, I'm not chancing it!) Another salient point is... we do NOT open each other's mail! So... when mail comes in, for some reason, mine gets put on the burner we don't use. I should mention that all junk mail goes in the same spot. Up to now, it's NOT been a problem.

Today, at work, the phone rings. It's the Mich... a tad excited. My interest peaked, I ask what's wrong. She then goes on to say, "you know how when mail comes in we put it on the stove? Well I was making biscuits, I pre-heated the oven, I opened the door and the mail got sucked in!" Apparently the fire was no longer flaming but there were still embers. Additionally, there was a fairly substantial piece of paper in there.

Once I'd determined my darling child and the kitchen were in no danger, Michelle got a pair of tongs and, with me on the phone listening... removed the remaining paper shreds and went on to bake her biscuits. At this point I heard the phrase for which I'd been waiting... "this is why I don't cook!"

Perhaps I've failed her as a Mother? Should I have told her that electric ovens do NOT require kindling?

Monday, March 03, 2008

Well, now the Navy knows about the Marines throwing the puppy!

US Marine in Iraq throws puppy off cliff - The Few, (thank goodness) The Proud?

The puppy is tossed off a cliff. There is video, I will not post it to play here.

I'll put up a link, watch it if you want. Warning... it's too sad for words!
(cut and paste into your browser)

The actions of these men do not reflect the vast majority of the military personnel serving, however, this is what they end up judged by. I hope they get some serious military punishment. They are a disgrace to their uniforms.

Some are saying that this video is faked, pretty low quality for that I think. Others are saying it's a "toy dog." I can see it open it's mouth and the scruff of the neck skin by which it is being held pretty much negates it being a stuffed toy.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

On the phone with Sir Elton!

I'm sitting here, on the phone with him... really! Well, sort of. I'm listening to him sing Crocodile Rock from the Sudbury Arena. I've also heard Candle In The Wind and Benny And The Jets.

My Sister Sandra is at the concert. Now before anyone goes off, she is NOT a Sudbury Council Member, she did NOT jump the qeue, she did NOT have access to as many as she wanted. She got them from the website on day of sale to the general public. Sandra calls me every few songs and lets me listen. Michelle listened too.

Crocodile Rock was cool, during the la... la la la la la... la la la la la... parts, Elton stops singing and thousands of voices can be heard lalala'ing!

Phone just rang... Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me! I might cry...