On Monday morning I noticed my tub wasn't draining as quickly as usual, then, forgot about it. On Tuesday morning I noticed it wasn't draining at all! I opened the door and saw the mat on the floor was a little wet around the grate covering the hole that would hold a sump pump, (if we had one.) I should mention I use the basement bathroom, cement floor not a "finished" basement. So, I lift the rug, lift the grate and the whole hole is full of icky stuff! Yep... sewer backup.
I wake Bob up with "Houston, we have a problem", (he was working afternoons,) and we go downstairs to look at the ick. I call 311 and report the problem, they call me back in 5 minutes and tell me the City guys will be here in 10 minutes! They took 15 but I shan't quibble. They eel, I stand in the basement over the hole and keep watching for the water to go down. Bob keeps sticking his head in the side door and asking if it was going down... neither of us wanted to have to dig up the basement 2 weeks before Christmas when we have our giant open house and well... drinking... eating... much toilet using! I tell him I'll let him know the instant it drains and to quit popping in and out! (Tensions were rising!)
Suddenly... it was gone, a little slurpy noise and the hole was empty! I went outside to deliver the good news and to see what the problem was. There were some tree roots and gunk. I ran hot, hot water from my tub into it and that night cleaned out the ick... dirty job but someone had to do it!
The City guys were great, oh I should mention that of course, it was freezing rain at the time. They told us we can get the system eeled 3 times in 24 months, no charge to keep the roots at bay.
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