It's 2:am, I've just blown out the last candle, tidied up the last of the dishes and have to be up before 8am. My sewer backed up last week, my furnace died last Sunday when the wind chill was -36 degrees, (they're coming Christmas morning to fix it, unlucky fellow,) but I am one lucky person. Tonight my house was filled with friends, family and loved ones. Little children, their parents and my dear friends. Nothing else matters than the fact that my steps are worn by the footsteps of people who wish to share my life. A life lived alone is so very sad, and I cannot help but at this time of year to reflect on how blessed I am to have such a full and loving house!
That my reader, is what life is all about. Merry Christmas to you and the loved ones who are gathered around you.
Merry Christmas to you and your family Pat. I wish we could have been there. We miss you guys.
Love Joe
Love you guys too! Merry Happy to you from us! xo
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