I am ashamed of the government of my country. I am angry that we spent $300 million to change nothing, contrary to the new law passed fixing election dates. I am mortified that the reigning party taped and released to the media, a private NDP meeting. tape1 tape2
I am angry, so very angry that The Bloc get $1.95 from MY tax dollars for each vote it gets. It only gets votes in Quebec, it only fields candidates in Quebec, it only represents interest in Quebec. It does not deserve my financial support. It is NOT a national party, therefore has no business in Federal politics.
If this government falls and they dare to call another election, I am going to do something. I haven't quite figured out what yet but something. We, the tax payers of Canada, cannot afford to just sit by and allow them to lead us around by the nose. We have the right and the obligation to let them know we will not stand for another $300 million of our money being tossed away.
In this economic climate it is shameful. So be it a Conservative minority, a coalition or whatever they come up with, grow up, take off your party uniforms and put on your Canada t'shirts and do the job you were sent to Ottawa to do.
Represent me!
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