Monday, December 29, 2008
Pro-Life Parliamentary Caucus... did you know there was one?
Jeff Watson, the invisible M.P. for Essex speaks yet again. He was on AM 800 CKLW's afternoon show. Turns out we have a Pro-Life Parliamentary Caucus! Who knew... not me anyway. Now, Jeff was pretty much himself in his "knowledgeable, decisive and factual answers...
How long has this Caucus existed? Jeff's answer... well I don't know, but it's been in existence since before I was elected in 2004.
How many members are there? Jeff's answer... well, I don't really know but it's non Partisan and consists of all parties.
Are all parties represented in this Caucus then? Well, I don't know right now but historically I think they've all had members.
How many late term abortions are there preformed in Canada? Well... I'm not sure but I know there are some.
So... thanks for the details Jeff! Keep up the good work! Next time, how about you count the number of bodies around the table when you meet;come on Jeffy, you can do it... use both hands if you have to! Plus, I'm sure there's some kind of guide or list that you can use to match up the names to the party and then... ta da... you'll know how many of the parties, besides your own, have members in this oh, so out in the open Caucus!
Oh and may I suggest you do some homework BEFORE you go on air? Just a thought Jeffy!
Rod Marinelli fired! 0 - 16 record... Do you think?
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Eve Michie!
Due to work and numerous seasonal fetes, we held Michie's 22nd birthday today! We had a glorious dinner and then pie and ice cream at our house. Friends, family and lots of love... that's what these special days are all about. My baby is going to be 22 tomorrow! (gasp!)
I just love this picture, three very happy girls!
I just love this picture, three very happy girls!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
It's 2:am, I've just blown out the last candle, tidied up the last of the dishes and have to be up before 8am. My sewer backed up last week, my furnace died last Sunday when the wind chill was -36 degrees, (they're coming Christmas morning to fix it, unlucky fellow,) but I am one lucky person. Tonight my house was filled with friends, family and loved ones. Little children, their parents and my dear friends. Nothing else matters than the fact that my steps are worn by the footsteps of people who wish to share my life. A life lived alone is so very sad, and I cannot help but at this time of year to reflect on how blessed I am to have such a full and loving house!
That my reader, is what life is all about. Merry Christmas to you and the loved ones who are gathered around you.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Ah the irony!
(Time Magazine)
Michelle said it best... He threw his shoes at the very man who made it possible for him to throw his shoes.
I am no fan of GW. I consider him a virtually complete failure in his job. However, the post he holds, the Office itself, deserves more respect than this incident shows. Had Saddam been behind that podium, the tosser would have been dead on the spot and his family tossed in jail.
The man; say what you will; the Office show some respect.
Michelle said it best... He threw his shoes at the very man who made it possible for him to throw his shoes.
I am no fan of GW. I consider him a virtually complete failure in his job. However, the post he holds, the Office itself, deserves more respect than this incident shows. Had Saddam been behind that podium, the tosser would have been dead on the spot and his family tossed in jail.
The man; say what you will; the Office show some respect.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Vancouver Christmas party shooting suspect's online comments about stress and the work place.
You've likely read about the shooting at the company Christmas party in Vancouver a couple of days ago. A fired employee, Erik Kirkpatrick, who was invited to the party, brought a gun and killed the company CEO, Benjamin Banky.
I found a story in the Globe & Mail from 2007 entitled, "Stressful jobs can be fatal." In the comments section, there are only 9 of them, I found one from Kirkpatrick. I'm sure it's the same man as the news is reporting that his wife had died of cancer a few years ago. Actually, he was a rather regular poster of comments on many topics. If you google his name and city you'll find them.
He speaks of a prior firing from a stressful job, being hospitalized for stress and being put on meds for the rest of his life. It would seem that this man was a bomb just waiting to go off.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Kudos to the City of Windsor, Public Works Department
On Monday morning I noticed my tub wasn't draining as quickly as usual, then, forgot about it. On Tuesday morning I noticed it wasn't draining at all! I opened the door and saw the mat on the floor was a little wet around the grate covering the hole that would hold a sump pump, (if we had one.) I should mention I use the basement bathroom, cement floor not a "finished" basement. So, I lift the rug, lift the grate and the whole hole is full of icky stuff! Yep... sewer backup.
I wake Bob up with "Houston, we have a problem", (he was working afternoons,) and we go downstairs to look at the ick. I call 311 and report the problem, they call me back in 5 minutes and tell me the City guys will be here in 10 minutes! They took 15 but I shan't quibble. They eel, I stand in the basement over the hole and keep watching for the water to go down. Bob keeps sticking his head in the side door and asking if it was going down... neither of us wanted to have to dig up the basement 2 weeks before Christmas when we have our giant open house and well... drinking... eating... much toilet using! I tell him I'll let him know the instant it drains and to quit popping in and out! (Tensions were rising!)
Suddenly... it was gone, a little slurpy noise and the hole was empty! I went outside to deliver the good news and to see what the problem was. There were some tree roots and gunk. I ran hot, hot water from my tub into it and that night cleaned out the ick... dirty job but someone had to do it!
The City guys were great, oh I should mention that of course, it was freezing rain at the time. They told us we can get the system eeled 3 times in 24 months, no charge to keep the roots at bay.
WFCU Centre, Windsor Ontario
Snowball the dancing cockatoo, will make you smile!
He's a famous little guy. He's been on Animal Planet, on TV shows and has been studied by scientists. Not to mention his great taste in music!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Illinois governor taken into custody; Gov. Rod Blagojevich
Well well, it is alleged he was raffling off Obama's now vacant Senate seat! This is on top of the alleged kick backs being investigated. US Governors seem to have a hard time lately. If it isn't $800 an hour call girls, air borne wolf hunts, tax evasion, unreported gifts and now outright corruption charges... Those Gov's are a pretty busy bunch!
I was coming in to write a new post and I think I accidentally flagged my own blog for objectionable content! So... if you do stumble in and see a warning, let me know ok so I can try to undo it! Good thing I don't have the nuclear code suitcase eh?
(I can easily see the time of flagging and what computer was here at this time and prove I did it myself if I have to! sigh...)
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Stephen Harper, the man who tore apart Canada.
Are you proud Mr. Prime Minister? Are you happy you've managed to tear your country apart? Are you relishing the mass protests from both ends of the spectrum? Only you Sir, have managed to do this to our Country. Over 60% of this country voted against you... there is no mandate, there is no "right" to govern.
You have barricaded the doors of Parliament, inflamed the voters and what are you doing Sir? Where are you? Hiding, that's where you are.
Shame on you, shame on your Party and shame on us for letting it happen! We may as well be some banana republic with an army of gun wielding soldiers slamming the doors of democracy! Never did I think I'd see this in my country.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Prorogued : Harper gets the ultimate "do over."
The giant eraser came out and voila! In 7 weeks, it's a new session. New Throne Speech, budget, bills, laws... If the same old stone throwing, country splitting, Quebec alienating, arrogant, bully is at the helm we'll just start all over again.
I am not sure why Her Excellency chose to save the current PM's job, leave the country adrift at this incredibly tenuous time but she did. I cannot wait to hear the reasoning.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
A letter from Stephen Harper to Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General in 2004
September 9, 2004
Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson,
C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D.
Governor General
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A1
As leaders of the opposition parties, we are well aware that, given the Liberal minority government, you could be asked by the Prime Minister to dissolve the 38th Parliament at any time should the House of Commons fail to support some part of the government’s program.
We respectfully point out that the opposition parties, who together constitute a majority in the House, have been in close consultation. We believe that, should a request for dissolution arise this should give you cause, as constitutional practice has determined, to consult the opposition leaders and consider all of your options before exercising your constitutional authority.
Your attention to this matter is appreciated.
Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada
Gilles Duceppe, M.P.
Leader of the Bloc Quebecois
Jack Layton, M.P.
Leader of the New Democratic Party
This letter paints a pretty clear picture, I don't think I need any graphic details in this post. I guess it must be dependent upon on from what side of the aisle you are sending the letter?
*EDIT* Then there is this priceless interview with the CBC from the same time period!
Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson,
C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D.
Governor General
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A1
As leaders of the opposition parties, we are well aware that, given the Liberal minority government, you could be asked by the Prime Minister to dissolve the 38th Parliament at any time should the House of Commons fail to support some part of the government’s program.
We respectfully point out that the opposition parties, who together constitute a majority in the House, have been in close consultation. We believe that, should a request for dissolution arise this should give you cause, as constitutional practice has determined, to consult the opposition leaders and consider all of your options before exercising your constitutional authority.
Your attention to this matter is appreciated.
Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada
Gilles Duceppe, M.P.
Leader of the Bloc Quebecois
Jack Layton, M.P.
Leader of the New Democratic Party
This letter paints a pretty clear picture, I don't think I need any graphic details in this post. I guess it must be dependent upon on from what side of the aisle you are sending the letter?
*EDIT* Then there is this priceless interview with the CBC from the same time period!
When petitioning the Governor General...
... one should spell her name and title correctly. One should understand Canadian Constitutional law and quit tossing around terms like "coup" when speaking of a perfectly legal option under Canadian law. The persons in Parliament, proposing the Coalition Government, are duly elected, they are not an invading army seizing control!
I am neither in favour nor against this issue, (yet,) I simply want my Government to be operating in a manner that is best for my Country. A minority Government cannot and may not operate as though it held a majority. It must reach across the aisle and work with the other members. It must deal with the very real and frightening situation facing our economic well-being in a manner acceptable to all. A minority Government, in actuality, is a coalition, if it is working properly.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Canada's proposed coalition Government; undemocratic?
Monday, December 01, 2008
O' Ottawa... I am ashamed of you, true self serving acts, cause shame to all thy sons! From far & wide, we are ashamed of thee!
I am ashamed of the government of my country. I am angry that we spent $300 million to change nothing, contrary to the new law passed fixing election dates. I am mortified that the reigning party taped and released to the media, a private NDP meeting. tape1 tape2
I am angry, so very angry that The Bloc get $1.95 from MY tax dollars for each vote it gets. It only gets votes in Quebec, it only fields candidates in Quebec, it only represents interest in Quebec. It does not deserve my financial support. It is NOT a national party, therefore has no business in Federal politics.
If this government falls and they dare to call another election, I am going to do something. I haven't quite figured out what yet but something. We, the tax payers of Canada, cannot afford to just sit by and allow them to lead us around by the nose. We have the right and the obligation to let them know we will not stand for another $300 million of our money being tossed away.
In this economic climate it is shameful. So be it a Conservative minority, a coalition or whatever they come up with, grow up, take off your party uniforms and put on your Canada t'shirts and do the job you were sent to Ottawa to do.
Represent me!
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