Sunday, October 28, 2007

Crime spree in my neighbourhood!

Early Saturday morning I got a phone call from a neighbour telling me Bob's new truck had been broken into. Now, I've been sick in bed since Wednesday but had finally gotten up to take a bath. I wrapped my hair in a towel, grabbed a jacket, woke up Bob and out we went. Well... it wasn't just Bob's truck, the Malibu got hit too. And really, it wasn't just two of our cars, there were about 46 more up and down our street!

It's not just the windows either, they've been pried at, scratched, trim ripped off and the interiors tossed and likely broken some bits. We figure our damage at about $3000.00 for the two cars. So if you average $1500.00 a car times 48 cars... That's $72,000.00 folks... (that does not take into account the cost of rental vehicles while repairs are being done or whatever was stolen from the cars.)


Anonymous said...

Pat, our custodian was just in here regaling a story about how his vehicle was broken into on the stolen from his console, but the window wasn't smashed. I said, "do you live on Elm?" And guess what ? HE DOES LIVE ON ELM !!! Go figure !! But in the 1300 block !!

Pat Toal said...

Nancy... is this you? Was his car unlocked? How'd they get in then? Why smash all our windows? How rude eh?