Yesterday I bought "fine grind" coffee. The coffee maker came on at 4:30am, yep that's when he gets up for the day shift. Well... fine grind is too fine, apparently it was all over the counter the machine... everywhere! Not a pleasant way to start your day at 4:30am!
This evening I was making dinner and talking to Bob, (husband, not next door.) We were talking about how old the coffee maker is. I said... "you know, other than the dryer, (see post of August 15th,) we've been lucky with our appliances." (BIG MISTAKE!) I had just put dinner in the oven. Suddenly I see bright flashing light, sparks...it was like an alien had taken over the kitchen!
It was coming from the oven. I looked in the window, there was a rather large fire. It was coming from the bottom element! It was melting, smoking, flaming, sparking and well, just doing stuff oven elements shouldn't do!
I yelled to Bob, "the oven's on fire" and turned it off. The element is now all melted and deformed! So... other than the dryer, to which 3 fire trucks and a Chief responded and now my only 5 year old Frigidaire glass top stove... my appliances have been good to me!
Hello... It's Thanksgiving week! Melted oven? I envision a cornucopia of pizza!
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