Thursday, December 31, 2009
The Eve of a new decade!
Again, I've been slacking in the blogging department! So busy in life, friends, family, holidays and so busy at work! The Olympic Torch Relays brought 4 show in 4 cities in three days... including Christmas Eve! The traditional Christmas Eve Open House for family, friends and loved ones was a huge success! The Christmas morning breakfast was another big hit with fun and frivolity!
On this the Eve of a new decade, I can only wish for; a brighter, happier, lighter, more "good news" filled 10 years than the previous 10. The horror, the tragedy, the sorrow, the financial crashes, the neighbourhood blight and deterioration, the ridiculousness of the past decade cannot be allowed to be repeated. Stand firm, stand united and refuse to allow it to continue! Those who strive to only destroy cannot remain strong against those with love, family and friends in their corner. Those who strive only to propagate hatred, cannot help but to fail against the strength of those of us with hope, support, compassion and the wide spread wealth of friends and like thinking people who are the true axis of this world!
Happy 2010 to those of you who strive to make this a better world!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
You know you're Canadian when...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Edmond Kenneth Wilson; 65 years later. Gone but certainly not forgotten.
I have told this story before. My 1993 visit to the Reichswald war cemetery in Germany, taking a picture of this grave stone and finding his Great-nephew in 1997. The story grows and unfolds as more time passes.
Tomorrow, November 21st, 2009 is the 65th anniversary of Ken's death. He was 21 years old.
This week, two days ago, I spoke, for over an hour, to Ken's widow, Dorothy. She too was just a girl when Ken went off to war, a young bride who never saw her husband again. She is 87 years old and holds his memory very dear. She told me heart breaking, interesting and funny stories about Ken, she certainly brought the man to life for me.
Sixteen years after visiting the cemetery, taking a random photo of Ken's grave, I spoke to the woman who after 65 years, loves him still. She has been to visit his grave twice. I plan on going to see her one day soon.
November 21st, 1944 Ken Wilson, 4 other crew members died; 2 others became POW's and survived the war suffering terrible hardships.
I remember, Dorothy remembers, Ken on this anniversary.
the link to Ken's page on the McPhee website. (The whole site is well worth a visit.)
the links to my earlier postings.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 09, 2009
Berlin 33 years ago.
In August of 1976 my high school graduation gift was a trip to Europe. Now, that's not as extravagant as it sounds as I was born in Germany and had family there. One of the most memorable places I visited was Berlin, East and West. On this the anniversary of the coming down of the Berlin Wall, I thought I'd post a few pics from my trip there 33 years ago... The trip were I was yelled at, had a gun pointed at me, had 10 Marks "stolen" from me by the East German Currency Exchange lady and was warned to "hold your tongue." But hey, other than that... it was a great time! (I really wouldn't have missed it for the world and now, that chance to experience Berlin as it was, is gone.)
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Thing that have pissed me off lately! (well some of them)
H1N1 shots. Priority lists... well, somehow, someone has decided that Police and Fire are NOT priority. What is? Oh, how about the Olympic committee, torch bearers and athletes? Yep... the people who protect us can drop like flies but heaven help us if a curler or a skier gets the flu!
H1N1 shots. Panic... Surprise! Yell fire and then lock the doors, guess what's going to happen? Lets see what happens when healthy 10 & 13 years olds drop dead in 3 days then hold public clinics.
H1N1 shots. Priority lists, again... The very people on this list, at least many of them, are on that list due to a health condition that would fricking impede their ability to stand in a fricking line for 3 or more hours! GAWD what are these "public health officials" thinking? Here in Windsor, it's out of control. Our Medical officer of health, Dr. Allen Heimann, (Bob likes to call him Hilter Heimann,) and his side kick, Deb Bennett are certainly not helping the situation. Google them, listen to them speak, read the words of the articles to do with H1N1 shots and judge for yourself. (Oh and before you go off and say... "sure she's not on the list so that explains her attitude." Yes I am, however, I will not and cannot stand in a line for 3+ hours waiting for it, it would be a physical impossibility for me and I'm not that bad off so I'll wait until my Doctor has it.)
Windsor Ontario and the CUPE strike savings, refund to taxpayers. Ok... so, they saved millions during the strike. Paid out millions in overtime for managers, security etc. There is a 5.6 million surplus. What are they doing with it? They are mailing every rate payer a $72.00 cheque! Seriously, they're spending $70,000.00 of the money to mail us a $72.00 cheque. Now keep in mind all those CUPE workers, be they Windsor, home owning residents will get this cheque too! So will the CUPE office that piled their trash outside their building causing the nearby residents to picket them! Where is the "I object" button when you need one? As Bob so succinctly said it... "give it to the downtown mission, imagine what they could do with 5.6 million!"
Come on people. $72.00? What's that? A tank of gas? Dinner at a mid range restaurant? 5.6 million, split between the Downtown Mission, The Goodfellows, The Homeless Coalition and a couple of other charities would go a long, long way and keep giving! (Note: no Orchestras or Art Galleries need apply!) $72.00 that's costing $70 thousand to mail out! What could these charities do with just the $70 thousand!
My god, what is the matter with people? Can you not see beyond the end of the tunnel?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Vaccines, conspiracies and loonies... Oh My!
Photograph from Polio Canada/Ontario March of Dimes.
They're flying out of their bat caves, onto the web, hosting seminars, scaring parents and pounding on tables with shoes! Don't get the shot! Don't vaccinate your child! Don't fall for the hysteria and allow yourself to be poisoned!
Well folks, 50 years ago our kids were dying or crippled by polio. It was a common occurrence that swept North America. My husband's Uncle contracted polio and was on crutches for life, he was one of the lucky ones. Here's one paragraph from a very interesting article.
Before smallpox was eradicated with a vaccine, it killed an estimated 500 million people. And just 60 years ago, polio paralyzed 16,000 Americans every year, while rubella caused birth defects and mental retardation in as many as 20,000 newborns. Measles infected 4 million children, killing 3,000 annually, and a bacterium called Haemophilus influenzae type b caused Hib meningitis in more than 15,000 children, leaving many with permanent brain damage. Infant mortality and abbreviated life spans — now regarded as a third world problem — were a first world reality.
So to the Mary Toccos of the world, (I call her the Ann Coulter of the medical field, and I use the word, "medical" loosely,) go talk to the people who's family members have died of H1N1 including the two very young, previously very healthy people here in Ontario in the past three days.
Link to one of the stories mentioned above.
Monday, October 26, 2009
H1N1 Update and the vaccine.
*credit WHO*
I haven't update the H1N1 situation in my blog for quite some time. I have, however, still been following it. It's rather overwhelming right now with the amount of news, changes in priorities for vaccination and the silly rumours. The important thing is it's just a flu shot, like any flu shot, prepared the same way just targeting one specific flu. The seasonal shots are always a guessing game. Some years they are the right strain, other years... not so much.
I also found out today that I am a priority! Not necessarily a list on which I want to be a priority but heck, I'll take it as I'm important!
A busy weekend!
Well,seldom do I have the whirlwind social life I've had this weekend! Friday I was invited by Patty to join her at the Rotary Club of Windsor's annual, Wines of the World event. The food and wines were glorious! The company wonderful and the whole evening just a great time. We came back to my house afterwards and Michelle was there, home from school for the weekend. We stayed up until 1:30am! For me, at my age... that's a late night!
Saturday night Michelle and I went to see Stuart McLean of CBC Radio at the Chrysler theatre. His show, "The Vinyl Cafe," is one of our favourites. It turned out to be a live taping for future use on CBC so it was especially interesting. Mich got the tickets for me some time ago as an early birthday present.
Sunday, Rodney took us shopping in the States! OMG I have discovered a new and wonderful thing called a Payday candy bar! Caramel and peanut butter centre covered with salted peanuts! The sweet/salty combination is amazing! I'm NOT giving any out for Halloween, they are all mine. So that's the Butterfinger and Payday candy I'm hording ... I may have to go back over the border to get some stuff to actually give the kids!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
AdSense or nonsence?
Google AdSense is supposed to crawl your content with a bot and then post ads that somehow apply to the content. Well... "rate hot girls?" I cannot find anything in my last post that would have triggered such an ad. I, therefore, am going with my picture as the impetus for this ad! Ha! :) There will be no rating of this girl, remember, I have the comments set for moderation by the blogger, the blogger being me!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wow, I've been slacking in the blogging deparment!
To be perfectly fair, I have been busy! So here's the synopsis of the past month. I have been to London to visit Michelle at her new apartment. She's settling into Grad School and teaching Biology labs. She hasn't poisoned herself yet with her own cooking, which is a good thing! Michelle has also been home, for Thanksgiving. We hosted a dinner for 23 on Saturday and a breakfast for the same folks on Sunday morning! (Luckily Debbie & Robin did most of the breakfast work!) A great time was had by all. Ann, Joe & Tyler came all the way from Toronto for this.
I've had a very lucky couple of weeks. I won tickets to The Wiggles. I'm giving them to a couple of cutie pie kiddies and they will love it I'm sure.
Bob was called back to work after 10 months of being laid off! That was a nice surprise and beats the heck out of seeing your old job posted in the newspaper with the line "previous employees need not apply!"
Thanks to Patty, prior to the public event, I got to sit and chat with Judy Collins for 1/2 and hour or so. (Yes THAT Judy Collins of "Both Sides Now" and "Send In The Clowns" fame. She is a lovely and gracious lady and very, very tiny! She's happy Obama won the Nobel, she despairs over the state of US health care, or lack thereof and she speaks very highly of Canada and Canadians. She is also a friend of Leonard Cohen, whom I love and that is likely as close as I'll ever get to Leonard! Then I got to listen to her interesting and inspirational talk. What a special night that was for me! (I can't believe I forgot to ask to have a picture taken with her.)
Bob and I went to another antique shop where I bought some stamps for $5.00 and found that the minimum just a few of them are worth is over $78.00. (Not too shabby eh?) I bought quite a few but haven't checked them out yet.
I've had neighbourhood meetings, City Hall meetings and well... meetings!
So, that's why I haven't blogged. I don't like to leave it dormant for this long though and will make a concerted effort to be more prolific.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Methadone poisoning deaths rise 7 fold in the USA.
Click on the chart and graph below to read:
The Center for Disease Control in the USA has released shocking new stats regarding drug overdose deaths. We, in Canada/Ontario, apparently do not have access to this kind of data. One can only assume that the stats would apply here also as Methadone use in both countries has exploded, especially with the proliferation of private, for profit clinics. Interestingly, it hasn't seemed to reduce deaths from other drugs. I hope someone in our Province is trying to keep track of this!
Click the link above to read the full report.
The Center for Disease Control in the USA has released shocking new stats regarding drug overdose deaths. We, in Canada/Ontario, apparently do not have access to this kind of data. One can only assume that the stats would apply here also as Methadone use in both countries has exploded, especially with the proliferation of private, for profit clinics. Interestingly, it hasn't seemed to reduce deaths from other drugs. I hope someone in our Province is trying to keep track of this!
Click the link above to read the full report.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Olympics and "embarrassing" stragglers
While this->
Is better than this ->
I'm not sure it's all that different? Same theory, different methods... thank goodness!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Happy Anniversary?
Just a year ago our economy self imploded. We're being told that it's on the rebound. We're being told that Canada is in better shape than much of the world. We're being told that the worst is behind us. I just hope the worst doesn't sneak up and bite us in the ass!
My post a year ago.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Mirrors are wonderful things!
Today was warm, sunny and well, just too much. I wonder what happened to mirrors in a home? I was all over the city today, store after store and to my dismay I see women with upper arms the size of watermelons wearing sleeveless shirts. Overweight, pathetic 55+ year olds with mini skirts, or short shorts and tank tops. Men with bellies worthy of an urgent OB call, walking around topless. I do realize that this is the first long weekend of real summer weather. I do realize it's warm out... but for the love of all that is tasteful...
Get a mirror, stand in front of it and take a good look! Spare us the indignity of your ignoring that time and gravity have repercussions.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres - now coming to a neighbourhood near you!
The Hippocratic Oath
Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres has slunk into my neighbourhood. The building permit applied for by the construction company who claimed it was for a "Business Office." At this location, as described last night at a meeting, by the staff of the clinic, they are a "medical facility," they do "blood draws" and "urine testing." There is an on site Pharmacy, a Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technicians and they dispense methadone. This does not sound like a "business office." There is no Doctor, however, one comes to Windsor "as needed." The clients are see via video-conference for a minute or two and then a prescription is "written" read: sent via email, for the methadone. (They get to bill OHIP for this!)
I have no problem with Methadone programs that have a goal to have you live drug free, be it the illegal opiates or the substitute methadone. I think that a private VERY for profit company may not be such a program? Seems to me getting you off methadone would be cutting into their own bottom line. Our tax dollars fund this incestuous set up. Incestuous you say? Yep... From the Treatment Centres, to the Pharmacies, to the software, to the labs ad infinitum... these two Docs own the giant circle.
The following are links to information on Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres that should be eye opening. Way too many for me to do synopses on, so just click away and make your own conclusions. OATC home page Coroners report Toronto Star article Toronto Star article
Ontario College of Pharmacists discipline committee report #1 Wong
Pharmacist #2 Reich
Pharmacist #3 Hopkin
The software developed for Dr. Jeff Daiter that his remote Pharmacists must purchase
Toronto Star article, Comquest Systems Inc. owned by Dr. Jeff Daiter, plead no contest to OHIP improprieties
Toronto Star article regarding College of Physicians and Surgeons probe of clinics
There's more but my fingers are getting almost as tired as my brain from sorting all of this out! If you Google, you can find reams of stuff on your own.
Monday, July 27, 2009
...and yet again...
My original post...
and today's news, again... some people never learn!
Cadillac, seen speeding in excess of 200 km/h, crashes in ditch
By Dalson Chen, The Windsor StarJuly 27, 2009
CHATHAM, Ont. -- A 29-year-old Windsor man faces an array of charges including dangerous driving after he allegedly drove a white Cadillac at a speed of 205 km/h on Highway 401 Sunday.
Chatham-Kent OPP said they were called about a vehicle speeding in the 401’s eastbound lanes around 7 a.m. Police said the Cadillac’s movements were described as “erratic” and “dangerous.”
A short while later, police learned of a single vehicle crash involving the Cadillac near Merlin Town Line east of Tilbury.
Officers found the car in a ditch on the north side highway. Investigators determined that the vehicle went out of control and crossed the median, entering the westbound lanes before ending up in the ditch.
The driver was taken to hospital as a precautionary measure.
Police later learned the vehicle had no insurance, and that the driver had been previously stopped for speeding on the 401 in March of this year. His recorded speed in that incident was also 205 km/h.
Dusan Arlov of Windsor was taken into custody by Chatham-Kent OPP. Police said he was awaiting a court appearance on Monday.
Arlov has been charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, street racing, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, using a false or invalid insurance card, making a false statement to police, and failing to properly wear a seat belt while driving.
© Copyright (c) The Windsor Star
It should be noted that hours before I posted this there were many, many searches for Dusan Arlov from the USA and Canada... news does travel very quickly in these circles apparently.
and today's news, again... some people never learn!
Cadillac, seen speeding in excess of 200 km/h, crashes in ditch
By Dalson Chen, The Windsor StarJuly 27, 2009
CHATHAM, Ont. -- A 29-year-old Windsor man faces an array of charges including dangerous driving after he allegedly drove a white Cadillac at a speed of 205 km/h on Highway 401 Sunday.
Chatham-Kent OPP said they were called about a vehicle speeding in the 401’s eastbound lanes around 7 a.m. Police said the Cadillac’s movements were described as “erratic” and “dangerous.”
A short while later, police learned of a single vehicle crash involving the Cadillac near Merlin Town Line east of Tilbury.
Officers found the car in a ditch on the north side highway. Investigators determined that the vehicle went out of control and crossed the median, entering the westbound lanes before ending up in the ditch.
The driver was taken to hospital as a precautionary measure.
Police later learned the vehicle had no insurance, and that the driver had been previously stopped for speeding on the 401 in March of this year. His recorded speed in that incident was also 205 km/h.
Dusan Arlov of Windsor was taken into custody by Chatham-Kent OPP. Police said he was awaiting a court appearance on Monday.
Arlov has been charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, street racing, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, using a false or invalid insurance card, making a false statement to police, and failing to properly wear a seat belt while driving.
© Copyright (c) The Windsor Star
It should be noted that hours before I posted this there were many, many searches for Dusan Arlov from the USA and Canada... news does travel very quickly in these circles apparently.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Valley Swim Club Huntingdon Valley Pennsylvana
The kids:
The CNN story - link to page
*Click the two home page pics for detail*
Valley Swim Club 2007 home page courtesy of "the way back machine."
Holy white bread Batman!
Valley Swim Club July 9th, 2009 home page:
Thank you for all of your comments and interest. I too think that this club is in for a heck of an awakening. Shame, especially public shame is hard to bare but maybe will make them stand up and take a look at themselves!
John Duesler, club president as quoted by an NBC affiliate, "There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion . . . and the atmosphere of the club." I bet his complexion has changed now, a burning, blushing red perhaps?
My site meter is off the grid, thanks to being on CNN.
I think we should all look at the facility offering their swimming facilities to these kids. A premier school for those suffering from financial hardship. If you have a few spare dollars, click here:
The CNN story - link to page
*Click the two home page pics for detail*
Valley Swim Club 2007 home page courtesy of "the way back machine."
Holy white bread Batman!
Valley Swim Club July 9th, 2009 home page:
Thank you for all of your comments and interest. I too think that this club is in for a heck of an awakening. Shame, especially public shame is hard to bare but maybe will make them stand up and take a look at themselves!
John Duesler, club president as quoted by an NBC affiliate, "There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion . . . and the atmosphere of the club." I bet his complexion has changed now, a burning, blushing red perhaps?
My site meter is off the grid, thanks to being on CNN.
I think we should all look at the facility offering their swimming facilities to these kids. A premier school for those suffering from financial hardship. If you have a few spare dollars, click here:
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
CUPE Windsor and the new temporary garbage dump
*credit* The Windsor Star
*credit* The Windsor Star
So, CUPE is now in my neighbourhood. I drive past them every day, twice a day at the new temporary garbage dump. (You know the City Centre Anchor site where the Casino SHOULD be?) I see them, in their lawn chairs, sitting around chatting and a very few standing, with signs, blocking the tax paying citizen from entering or exiting, just long enough to be a annoying. So, is sunbathing on City sidewalks legal?
Below is the Criminal Code of Canada... the relevant sections in bold.
Causing disturbance, indecent exhibition, loitering , etc.
175. (1) Every one who
(a) not being in a dwelling-house, causes a disturbance in or near a public place,
(i) by fighting, screaming, shouting, swearing, singing or using insulting or obscene language,
(ii) by being drunk, or
(iii) by impeding or molesting other persons,
(b) openly exposes or exhibits an indecent exhibition in a public place,
(c) loiters in a public place and in any way obstructs persons who are in that place, or
(d) disturbs the peace and quiet of the occupants of a dwelling-house by discharging firearms or by other disorderly conduct in a public place or who, not being an occupant of a dwelling-house comprised in a particular building or structure, disturbs the peace and quiet of the occupants of a dwelling-house comprised in the building or structure by discharging firearms or by other disorderly conduct in any part of a building or structure to which, at the time of such conduct, the occupants of two or more dwelling-houses comprised in the building or structure have access as of right or by invitation, express or implied, is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
h1n1 Update, since it's not in the news much here.
*Credit, WHO*
As of July 3rd, 125 countries, 89,221 cases, (many areas only testing those hospitalized,) and 382 deaths. It's unstoppable now folks. We can only hope that the fall/winter season in the Western Hemisphere is as mild as it is currently in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sarah's not waving goodbye!
I think I see the logic in the timing of this sudden resignation. The next gubernatorial race in Alaska is 2010. If she announced her intentions to run for a Federal office, she'd be a lame duck Governor. If she simply walked close to the election date, it would leave the chair open for a ... gasp... Liberal big name Democrat to sit down.
By leaving now, she give the State time to get to know the Lieutenant Governor, Sean Parnell. See, you all said "who?" Sitting for a year as Governor will give him the time to get out there and cement his hold. A sitting Governor is always harder to unseat.
I bet this is some kind of deal made with the Republican Party to try to hold on to Alaska and at the same time move Sarah to the Federal stage!
I can't wait! It's gonna be interesting... you betcha!
Friday, June 26, 2009
CUPE in Windsor and their "priorities."
From AM 800 CKLW
2009-06-26 21:33:58
One area of Windsor's Riverfront is being cleaned up by striking CUPE members. They're mowing and picking up garbage around the Vietnam Memorial. Local 82 President Jim Wood says it's the least they can do for veterans. There's a commemoration at the site Sunday.
For those of you from a distance, Windsor's inside and outside workers have been on strike now for about 9 weeks. No grass cutting in parks, no planting, no garbage pick up. Yep... since April meaning the parks haven't been touched since last Fall! Our city is a shambles but... it's still operating. We managed to hold a world class, international event, The Red Bull Air Races, downtown in Dieppe Park. We held Art in the Park, Carousel of Nations but of course our kids can't swim, play baseball or soccer. Now... CUPE did cut the grass around the Cenotaph for the anniversary of the Dieppe raid, saying the Veterans deserved it.
Windsor hosts the Dragon Boat Races, has for years. It's a well attended, well supported event that raises large amounts of money for the Breast Cancer cause. The participants are all survivors. Guess what? CUPE wouldn't allow them to cut the grass at the usual City waterfront park where this event is usually held. They also refused to cut it for them!
Today they cut the grass around the Vietnam Memorial as there is an event coming up. So... the veterans deserve special treatment, and as an Army brat, I couldn't agree more. BUT... what about the women who suckled those Vets, their wives, their daughters, their grandchildren? They deserve nothing apparently.
Shame on CUPE as a union and their "leaders" as human beings! Get your well paid, well protected, as Union leaders drawing full salary and the last ones out the door, Municipal feedbag asses back to work and then send us thank you cards for paying your very healthy salaries.
So my dear CUPE Union leaders...I'm done with you. Most of the city is done with you. I take care of my own garbage, I cut my city owned boulevard and I pick up trash off public sidewalks. For this my taxes support you and your families! You have managed to dig yourself into a hole so deep the entire public works department couldn't get you out!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
shhhh... apparently it's a secret... don't tell the Americans!
These are pics from my very simple, old, digital camera taken about 20 minutes ago. There were beautiful effects, falling leave, strobing stars that went on and on; the barges alight in strobes...
The choreographer of tonight's big Target fireworks show is a Canadian! My friend, Patrick Brault from Sirius Pyrotechnics in Quebec. It promises to finally be a different show. Maybe no more identical shells fired from all three barges? No more red/green/gold... red/green/gold! I anticipate some imagination, varied levels and effects I've not seen at this show for the past 30 years I've been watching it!
No one wanted to watch this show with me or anyone who works with me, (did I mention I work at a fireworks company and we do shows?) I think we kind of spoiled their view with our talk! If you see the show tonight, one of the largest, choreographed to music displays in North America, please leave a comment and let me know how you liked it! I'll chime in with my opinion tomorrow.
Oh, and Patrick, he's doing the Philadelphia show for July 4th. That's a biggie... the birth place of the USA!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Changing Mid Eastern landscape?
This could be the signal, this could mean a whole new Iran and subsequently a new Mid Eastern landscape. Who would have thought you'd see this in one of the most despotic Muslim countries in the world!
Power to the people!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Michelle's convocation day!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A tale of two districts and H1N1 testing. Scotland vs Ontario
I had to read this line over and over again... Yep it says what it says. "Since we're asking that only hospitalized and high risk patients be tested, we expect future reports will show that the provincial case count is growing at a slower rate." Well I feel better with Dr. David Williams, acting chief medical officer of health for Ontario in charge! We can all rest assured now that Ontario's growth rate of H1N1 is bound to go down! whew...
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
H1N1 Flu, WHO
WHO getting close to declaring H1N1 pandemic
11:51am EDT
GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization said on Tuesday it was getting close to declaring a full-blown pandemic caused by the H1N1 virus, which has infected more than 26,500 people in 73 countries.
Keiji Fukuda, acting WHO assistant director-general, voiced concern at the sustained spread of the new strain in countries including Australia following major outbreaks in North America. Confirmed community spread in a second region would trigger moving to phase 6 from phase 5 on its 6-level pandemic alert scale.
Fukuda, asked whether there was any doubt that a pandemic was under way, told a weekly teleconference: "We are really getting very close to that."
(Reporting by Stephanie Nebehay, editing by Andrew Dobbie)
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Friday, June 05, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
My poor Sister Sandra in Sturgeon Falls!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
H1N1 flu, world cases as per the WHO.
*Credit WHO*
I posted the earlier map on May 19th, 4 days ago. Since then 2 more countries have cases and the total world number has risen by 2,192. This is far from over.
Wash your hands!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Where I've been...
This is where I've been! Non stop for about 6 weeks! 'Tis the season. My gardens aren't done, though it was only 1 degree the other night so well, that's kind of an excuse! I plan on at least weeding soon. I could likely knit a cat or two from what's wafting around the house! I plan to fix that up this weekend!
So click above and see what my work is all about.
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