H1N1 shots. Priority lists... well, somehow, someone has decided that Police and Fire are NOT priority. What is? Oh, how about the Olympic committee, torch bearers and athletes? Yep... the people who protect us can drop like flies but heaven help us if a curler or a skier gets the flu!
H1N1 shots. Panic... Surprise! Yell fire and then lock the doors, guess what's going to happen? Lets see what happens when healthy 10 & 13 years olds drop dead in 3 days then hold public clinics.
H1N1 shots. Priority lists, again... The very people on this list, at least many of them, are on that list due to a health condition that would fricking impede their ability to stand in a fricking line for 3 or more hours! GAWD what are these "public health officials" thinking? Here in Windsor, it's out of control. Our Medical officer of health, Dr. Allen Heimann, (Bob likes to call him Hilter Heimann,) and his side kick, Deb Bennett are certainly not helping the situation. Google them, listen to them speak, read the words of the articles to do with H1N1 shots and judge for yourself. (Oh and before you go off and say... "sure she's not on the list so that explains her attitude." Yes I am, however, I will not and cannot stand in a line for 3+ hours waiting for it, it would be a physical impossibility for me and I'm not that bad off so I'll wait until my Doctor has it.)
Windsor Ontario and the CUPE strike savings, refund to taxpayers. Ok... so, they saved millions during the strike. Paid out millions in overtime for managers, security etc. There is a 5.6 million surplus. What are they doing with it? They are mailing every rate payer a $72.00 cheque! Seriously, they're spending $70,000.00 of the money to mail us a $72.00 cheque. Now keep in mind all those CUPE workers, be they Windsor, home owning residents will get this cheque too! So will the CUPE office that piled their trash outside their building causing the nearby residents to picket them! Where is the "I object" button when you need one? As Bob so succinctly said it... "give it to the downtown mission, imagine what they could do with 5.6 million!"
Come on people. $72.00? What's that? A tank of gas? Dinner at a mid range restaurant? 5.6 million, split between the Downtown Mission, The Goodfellows, The Homeless Coalition and a couple of other charities would go a long, long way and keep giving! (Note: no Orchestras or Art Galleries need apply!) $72.00 that's costing $70 thousand to mail out! What could these charities do with just the $70 thousand!
My god, what is the matter with people? Can you not see beyond the end of the tunnel?