To be perfectly fair, I have been busy! So here's the synopsis of the past month. I have been to London to visit Michelle at her new apartment. She's settling into Grad School and teaching Biology labs. She hasn't poisoned herself yet with her own cooking, which is a good thing! Michelle has also been home, for Thanksgiving. We hosted a dinner for 23 on Saturday and a breakfast for the same folks on Sunday morning! (Luckily Debbie & Robin did most of the breakfast work!) A great time was had by all. Ann, Joe & Tyler came all the way from Toronto for this.
I've had a very lucky couple of weeks. I won tickets to The Wiggles. I'm giving them to a couple of cutie pie kiddies and they will love it I'm sure.
Bob was called back to work after 10 months of being laid off! That was a nice surprise and beats the heck out of seeing your old job posted in the newspaper with the line "previous employees need not apply!"
Thanks to Patty, prior to the public event, I got to sit and chat with Judy Collins for 1/2 and hour or so. (Yes THAT Judy Collins of "Both Sides Now" and "Send In The Clowns" fame. She is a lovely and gracious lady and very, very tiny! She's happy Obama won the Nobel, she despairs over the state of US health care, or lack thereof and she speaks very highly of Canada and Canadians. She is also a friend of Leonard Cohen, whom I love and that is likely as close as I'll ever get to Leonard! Then I got to listen to her interesting and inspirational talk. What a special night that was for me! (I can't believe I forgot to ask to have a picture taken with her.)
Bob and I went to another antique shop where I bought some stamps for $5.00 and found that the minimum just a few of them are worth is over $78.00. (Not too shabby eh?) I bought quite a few but haven't checked them out yet.
I've had neighbourhood meetings, City Hall meetings and well... meetings!
So, that's why I haven't blogged. I don't like to leave it dormant for this long though and will make a concerted effort to be more prolific.
Glad you are finally back blogging. Missed it!!! Was about to start a complaint protest. Good thing you're back...
Hi Pat,
Glad you're back too......the internet just isn't the same without you!!
Love, A.S.
Thanks! :)
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