The CNN story - link to page
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Valley Swim Club 2007 home page courtesy of "the way back machine."

Holy white bread Batman!
Valley Swim Club July 9th, 2009 home page:

Thank you for all of your comments and interest. I too think that this club is in for a heck of an awakening. Shame, especially public shame is hard to bare but maybe will make them stand up and take a look at themselves!
John Duesler, club president as quoted by an NBC affiliate, "There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion . . . and the atmosphere of the club." I bet his complexion has changed now, a burning, blushing red perhaps?
My site meter is off the grid, thanks to being on CNN.
I think we should all look at the facility offering their swimming facilities to these kids. http://www.girardcollege.com/girard/site/default.asp A premier school for those suffering from financial hardship. If you have a few spare dollars, click here: http://www.girardcollege.com/4398_92621112938/site/default.asp
Jim Flynn, who said he was one of the club members who made a complaint against the children, said it was not racially motivated.
"There were a lot of children in the pool and not enough lifeguards," he said. "As general members, we were not told that they were coming. If we knew, we could decide to not come when the pool was crowded or come anyway. We could have had an option."
So it would have been acceptable if the club had warned their racist guests that the *ethnic children* would be coming so they could have stayed home?
This is the Valley Swim Club, and they had a contract with The Creative Steps Day Care and should not be able to break the agreement they have with The Creative Steps Day Care just because (if it were true about the lack of lifeguards) they were not prepared for the additional children that they agreed to accommodate.
The comments that were made to the children are completely unacceptable, and prove that weather the Valley Swim club is racist or not, its members certainly are.
*****Duesler told two Philadelphia television stations that the children had changed "the complexion" and "atmosphere" of the club.********
How did the children change the *completion* and *atmosphere* of the club, and why even negotiate a contract?
The Valley Swim Club had a scheduled day for the children to use the facility, AND they had accepted the money. It was ONLY when they saw the children that there was a problem.
Looks like John Murtha was right when he said during the campaign that parts of Pennyslvania were populated rednecked bigots.
"He said two other day-care centers, neither of which included minority children, had previously been similarly disinvited."
So can we put the race card away right off the bat? Racism is a two way street. Can't really blame someone else for it, then in turn use it as an excuse when things don't go your way. Does that make me a racist? If it does, I blame the fact that I had an ancestor I never knew who suffered a potato famine back in the day. There, played the potato famine card 5 times today, wonder if I can get it up to 20 before the day is over.
A group of kids were asked to not return, as other groups (non-blacks) have been in the past.
Doesn't mean it's racism, just because black people getr upset that they were asked to leave.
Leave no child left behind...
stupidity reigns in America... when education programs get cut, when public schools go bankrupt... this is what we get = stupidity.
No wonder American's find themselves in the position we are in, we have reached our Idiocracy.
I am publishing everyone's comments so far as long as they do not cross a line, that I have set, after all, it is my blog!
I will edit and refuse to publish some comments.
I think my views are clear in my posting!
The article is clear.There was no race card used here.Put your potatoes away and your egg shells they are hogwash. The general manager said The presence of this group changed the complexion and the atmosphere of the club. End of story.They made it very clear what kind of club they are and who they will allow to join. How sad,they should be ashamed.I am white and not upity and have never walked on eggshells in the presence of non white.The other two daycares that were disinvited who are they? and did they accept their money as well and wait till they showed up and then tell them they were not welcome. Shame on Valley Swim Club Huntingdon Valley Pennsylvana.
The majority of Black people aren't asking nor expecting anyone to 'walk on eggshells' for them - simply to be treated equally. When the other 2 non-minority groups of kids were 'disinvited' were those children called racist epithets to their faces?
In this case, it was not a 'sense of entitlement'. The group had a valid contract and paid the club, therefore they WERE entitled to be there.
The owner's comments about "changing the complexion of the club" didn't help matters either...perhaps it was a poor choice of words, taken out of context, or expressed true racist sentiments.
If the reason for the disinvitation of Creative Steps kids was because of overcrowding, why didn't Mr. Duesler simply say just that to the media?
Instead, to explain it as changing the atmosphere and complexion of the club neither directly referred to crowded conditions nor spoke to the size of the pool.
It is important to understand that people like Mr. Duesler or anyone else never "mis-speak" to the media. They blurt out their real feelings when that happens. Can't hide what we feel 24 hours a day. It's gonna come out sometime.
If the investigations prove racial discrimination occurred, then the IRS should reevaluate the non-profit tax exempt status of the Valley Swim Club.
After all, the federal government (we taxpayers) is giving this organization certain financial privileges to conduct business to serve all members of the community.
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