We had, 12 full bags of garbage to put out for this morning. 12! An even dozen! It was ludicrous! It was also scary.
Every time we put out our garbage, the next morning I go out with an A&P bag and a latex glove to clean up what the animals have torn apart. Today I went out with 2 green garbage bag and two gloves expecting the worst. There were 983 paper plates, 1232 plastic glasses, 4765 plastic knives & forks. There was food from Christmas Eve open house, a ham bone, food from Christmas breakfast, food from boxing day dinner, two prime rib bones and a chicken carcass! A veritable feast for feral felines! (And the odd raccoon, skunk and rat.) The garbage truck came by before I got out there, so I figured I'd have all the strewn remnants left to pick up. I approached the back gate with dread, I slowly opened it and... NOTHING! Not a scrap! I now have two garbage bags and an extra pair of gloves in my car console.
Now I could not help but notice as I drove to work, all the houses along Janette, Dougal and Giles that had put out ONE teeny can! Hello? ONE CAN? How do they do it?
(This is my second attempt at this post. If it gets eaten... It was never meant to be!)
Hi Pat,
I hope you had a very merry Christmas. Sounds like your party was loads of fun. I would say I hope you New Year's is just as fun, but I am sure you are working.
Love ya lots,
If you live in Orillia that would cost you 1.50 per bag and they can only be 30lbs.
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