Today I came home to a parcel from my family in Germany! First I spent time looking at the stamps which made Michelle threaten to cut through them if I didn't open the package! Nice eh? Being a avid stamp collector I was shocked and dismayed by her attitude. I keep telling her, I brought her into this world, I can take her out!
In the parcel was a photo album of my cousin Heike's wedding and pictures of her baby Jana, who has been featured here before. Also in it were pics from the 60's.
(There are pics from the 40's and 50's too, but that's another post.)
They sent me two "Thun" Angels. They match the one my Oma, (Grandmother,) sent me years ago. :)
Seriously, this turning 50 has advantages! My family all came down (best gift!), I got great gifts, I had two parties, I got more gifts, wine, cards and candy last weekend, so other than the whole falling apart thing, 50's not so bad.
Click pics to enlarge.
pic #2 - me (with curled hair!) and Barbara looking out the window at Oma's house
pic #1 - my First Communion taken outside our apartment building in Soest Germany. Barbara has my purse and I'm thinking I'm not impressed! Mom, Dad, Oma, Opa, Tante Gitti holding Sandra (looking at this pic, I'm pretty sure Mom is not happy with what Barbara and I are doing!)
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