So my "favourite" M.P.P. is in the news again. This time for saying that "it's hard being the non sexy M.P.P. for Windsor." Going further to say that "she's got better legs than me." This was said, not in a bar, not in an informal gathering of friends but at the Ontario Economic Summit, in front of the province's top business leaders. Yep, this is the guy in charge of our Provincial coffers!
Remember Dwight? The guy who in 1996 ran for leadership of the party, lost, threw his support behind Kennedy after he and his supporters had agreed to "anyone but Kennedy?" Costing him more than half of his supporters who failed to follow him. The same Dwight who upon realizing McGuinty had won could be seen on CPAC wide eyed, sweating and clearly stating "we're f***ed?" The same Dwight who was then seen wandering the floor crying for his wife?
The same Dwight who has stuck his nose into my ward whom he does not represent, into a Municipal matter, endorsing a proposed project that was objected to by hundreds of residents?
Yep that's him, our illustrious Minister of Finance.
Now what's interesting is Sandra Pupatello's constant defense of her old buddy Dwight. When Dwight was nosing about in her ward's fight with City Hall, I called Sandra, she didn't care. Told me it was his right to appear should he so choose. Now she's defending his "sexy" comments about her saying they're old friends, they kibbutz, they tease.
Well, that's fine, in private. NOT at the Ontario Economic Summit. Come on Sandra, have some self respect, if not for yourself, for the rest of the women in this province.
Shame on both of you!
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