This was the scene outside my house about 7pm tonight. That is... after the other two trucks left! Yep three trucks, lights & sirens going!
*Edit* Apparently there was a 4th vehicle I didn't notice... a Chief's car. Thanks Nancy for the info!*
(Photo courtesy of Susan, taken from her porch next door to my house.)
My car, (the lovely red Grand Am blogged about a couple of days ago,) blew it's heater core so Mich and I are sharing a car. I drop her at work at 10, go to my work, leave my work at 5 and pick her up at 6. We ran a couple of errands and came home. Before I started dinner I decided to do some laundry.
Fill the washer, add laundry, close lid and walk away... suddenly, the washer stops running. I turn around, I smell "burnt wires." I yell up at Michelle to call Bob, (next door, not husband as husband is working afternoons.) She starts to do that, I then see smoke, a goodly amount of smoke... I yell at Michelle to hang up and call 911. She hands me the phone, I dial 911, the washer suddenly starts running again, more smoke! I hang up... turn off the washer and unplug it. Then I remember 911, I go to dial but hey, they're on the line already. They call back if you hang up. I explain my washer is smoking they tell me to get everyone out and wait for the truck.
Well, I tell Mich to leave but... ummmm... well... you know that "stuff" that falls down beside your washer? I had to clean it up. I knew they would be pulling it out and well, I was embarrassed. So yes, I was leaning into the side of a smoking washing machine... it did stop smoking after a bit.
Michelle yelled down the stairs, that "they're coming, they're coming!"
I relpied "THEY?" as in more than one? We went outside ... yep you could hear the sirens from all sides!
Three trucks arrived from two directions! I told them it had stopped smoking, two trucks left. The firefighters came downstairs, moved the washer... (I KNEW they'd do that, good thing I cleaned up eh?) Used the heat sensor thingy, looked behind paneling and checked it out well. They plugged my washer back in and let it spin out the water while they were there so it would be easier for me to empty! Nice eh?
They then asked about smoke detectors. I have one on the main floor and one upstairs, but not in the basement. So they installed one! (extra battery included!) Talk about full service!
So, that was my evening, how was yours?
ps... thanks to Bob (next door as I've already explained husband was at work, I did call him and tell him that several fire trucks were here though,) for checking my washer and determining it was toast... burnt toast!
Thanks to Susan for letting me do the load of laundry that got interupted and for bringing it over when it was done.
Excellent account of your smoking washer experience - when I was reading this I felt like I had been there - oh wait, I was.
Susan next door
hehehe... and taking pics no less!
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