There is a Brita jug in the fridge. That's for Bob, (husband, not next door.) I drink from the tap. Michie uses bottled water to carry to work, makes her tea with tap water. When someone comes over and asks for a glass of water, they get tap water, from the Brita jug. I cannot see spending all that money on something that costs more that gasoline! Billions of plastic bottles, that cost more to make than the water is worth by the way, litter our streets and are piling up in the dumps. Why?
*Edit* That is except for the ones made into lovely Christmas decorations of course! hehe
Now, on a happier note, Susan made peanut butter cookies yesterday! OMG... they are the best I've ever eaten! They're magic I tell you. I'm going to eat the last two now and wash them down with a glass of cold, safe, clear tasting tap water!
I see more Tim's coffee cups and smokes on the ground in my area. Next door Bob
That's another thing those cups should be recyclable. Apparently it's a big problem on the East coast, they're Tim's fanatics out there!
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