Peanut Butter, the big fat guy in the middle of the pic, did not survive the ich attack. The other 5 seem recovered and the 2 in the small aquarium seem not to have been affected by the ich prior to my moving them. I'm guessing that as PB was a "pure bred" fancy Ryukin, he is more susceptible and delicate?
Ode to PB
Fat he seemed, though t'was just his genes
a Ryukin fish is never lean.
He was king of the tank, the biggest therein
until the ich, started attacking his fins.
I tried hard to save him and his tank mates
though often it simply comes down to fate.
Now he's dearly departed, a late fishie persay
Buried in the garden on a warm spring day.
We will miss Peanut Butter.
Love the fish in the pond next door.
I think your poetry killed him! I know it's killing me ;-P
Ah well, it ain't Shakepeare but then, t'is a fish. T'were it but a faerie or a Scottish King... oh but how I could have waxed poetic!
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