Driving to work in the morning need not be a useless waste of your time. Listen to CBC radio and learn. Now, Anna Maria Tremonte, has never been one of my favourite on air people but she does have interesting guests and interviews. Today I learned something amazing!
The sex life of corn...
Ok. Corn has both male and female flowering parts. The tassels on top, male, the silk in the ears of corn, female. The tassels make the pollen which falls onto the silk, and all around the field, the silks are the coolest part. Each silk, and there are gazillions of them on every ear, is a potential kernel. That I did not know! The silks must be pollinated to make a kernel of corn. So... when it's too hot, too wet and well, basically Windsor summer weather, no pollen, no kernels!
So I apologize for all the times, when I was a child that I ran through corn fields, pulling the silks off the ears.
oh and ps...
once when I was about 3 years old, I was doing that, I thought they were so soft and lovely that I was running them along my upper lip, just under my nose. I awoke in the morning with a huge swollen lip that covered my nose! Apparently I am allergic to corn silk or at least allergic to the point that if I rub it over and over again I swell. Yet I can eat corn?
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