I was thinking about going to see Camelot the other night and being in the same room as Michael York. That got me to thinking about famous people I have met or almost met... as in been up close to or had some other almost close encounter. So... here's my list.
Shared a smile/wave with:Queen Elizabeth (corner of Erie & Ouellete - a personal/official Liz wave- have pics!)
George - Donald Trump's former right hand man, a smile in Trump Tower NY
Melanie Griffith - I'm 95% sure it was her on 5th avenue in NY - she had a ball cap on and sometimes I confuse her with Michelle Pfiffer - nice smile which ever person it was!
Almost been run over by their limo:Elvis Costello - London, Ontario gates of UWO, his driver apologized to me. Elvis did NOT leave the limo.
Had drinks with:Jean Cretien - Former Canadian P.M. (he was not P.M. then.) London, Ontario - he's very a funny guy at private, in-camera parties.
Judd Buchanan - London, Ontario - very nice man, worked for him and his wife many elections
Frank Gorshin - The REAL Riddler from Batman - Ponchatrain Hotel, Salamander lounge, Detroit, Bob, (husband, not next door,) Frank and I had drinks and a lovely chat, got his autograph on a cocktail napkin.
Margaret Trudeau - Capitol Theatre, cocktail party after her talk on mental health
Bunch of Republicans - when the convention was in Detroit in the 80's they all came over here and there was a party at the Cleary I think, I crashed it by wearing Trudeau buttons! (Those Republican guys were a pretty raucous bunch!)
Had lunch with:Pierre Trudeau - London, Ontario - there were about 200 of us BUT... when Pierre was leaving (and he was not talking to anyone or stopping,) I held out my program and a pen and said, (M. Trudeau, s'il vous plait?) He stopped dead, put his hand on my shoulder, babbled away in French and signed my program!
Was on their Christmas card list:Pierre Trudeau - thank you Judd.
Got a personal letter from:Pierre Trudeau - grade 10 - can see a line of erasure where secretary forgot to double space (that's on a typewriter - google it!) I'm a huge Pierre fan... see pic at top right of my blog.
Have met/spoken to and now on a postage stamp:Pierre Trudeau - after his death, Canada Post issued a commerative, I own it of course, two of my favourite things, Pierre & stamps!
Beanie Babies I own named after people I've met:Pierre - you know who!
Met and shook hands with:Joe Clark, London, Ontario
Met and have a pic of me with:The Click Five - google them too
Have stood on stage just before or after they performed:Limp Bizkit/Godsmack/DMX - Joe Louis, Detroit - after show
Bow Wow - Fox Theater - Detroit - after show, back stage before show
Backstreet Boys - John Labatt Centre, London, Ontario - before show with Fire Inspector checking the pyro.
Went to school with:Brad Marsh - former NHL player Atlanta/Calgary/Philadelphia/Toronto/Detroit
Craig McTavish - Edmonton Oilers former player, now coach (was in jail in the USA for motor vehicle homicde once)
Known for years:Dr. Alistar McLeod - writer - No Great Mischief, The Lost Salt Gift of Blood, As The Birds Bring Forth The Sun, (I have autographed copies) I'm quite lucky :)
Helped Mich stalk:Cynthia Nixon - now if you're like me you say "who?" I had no idea who she was - she refused to take a pic with Mich and Jenny in NY... I say if your name makes people say "who?" you can't afford to snub anyone! (she was in Sex and the City which I've never seen even one episode of.)
Thanks all I can think of right now, I may edit if I think of more.