Photograph from Polio Canada/Ontario March of Dimes.
They're flying out of their bat caves, onto the web, hosting seminars, scaring parents and pounding on tables with shoes! Don't get the shot! Don't vaccinate your child! Don't fall for the hysteria and allow yourself to be poisoned!
Well folks, 50 years ago our kids were dying or crippled by polio. It was a common occurrence that swept North America. My husband's Uncle contracted polio and was on crutches for life, he was one of the lucky ones. Here's one paragraph from a very interesting article.
Before smallpox was eradicated with a vaccine, it killed an estimated 500 million people. And just 60 years ago, polio paralyzed 16,000 Americans every year, while rubella caused birth defects and mental retardation in as many as 20,000 newborns. Measles infected 4 million children, killing 3,000 annually, and a bacterium called Haemophilus influenzae type b caused Hib meningitis in more than 15,000 children, leaving many with permanent brain damage. Infant mortality and abbreviated life spans — now regarded as a third world problem — were a first world reality.
So to the Mary Toccos of the world, (I call her the Ann Coulter of the medical field, and I use the word, "medical" loosely,) go talk to the people who's family members have died of H1N1 including the two very young, previously very healthy people here in Ontario in the past three days.
Link to one of the stories mentioned above.