Apparently, after Googling this, it is not uncommon. Who knew? Mich said it looked dusty, I didn't notice. My house, has a big, light coloured, Western exposure wall, that in summer attracts bugs as it is very warm. I guess, when it got cold, they found nooks and crannies in which to hibernate. Sometimes, they wake up and find a way inside. (Explaining the dusty appearance from living in the walls!) They do no harm. Folk lore says: "If you find a ladybug in your house in the winter you will have good luck and fortune will come you way."
Well, today I bought 3 lottery tickets, in 2 different countries! (Maybe I should have googled BEFORE I flushed the poor thing down the toilet?)
I could have put it in a container, in the fridge and released it in the spring once the weather is such that milk outside would neither spoil nor freeze.
So, now that I've posted this, and you've read it, remember, don't flush your lucky ladybug down the toilet the day you buy lottery tickets! :)
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