I am no fan of the Harper Government. As a matter of fact, last weekend Bob was watching the news and I was playing on the computer. I heard an interview with a Political expert, talking about Obama and what it means to the US and the World. He commented that things could start changing. For the first time in many years there would be "intellectuals" at the helm of several powerful countries. Gordon Brown in England, Kevin Rudd in Australia, Barack Obama in the US and he went on the say that "maybe one day, Michael Ignatieff in your own country of Canada! I burst out laughing at the skip over of our current PM. Sorry I digress, back to the upcoming budget.
If it is a good budget, if it is good for our Country in these tough times, ALL Members of Parliament have an obligation to vote in favour! I'm hearing MP's saying that they already know they won't vote for it! Hello? What is your responsibility? It is to do what is best for us. This is the time for true non partisanship! If the Tory budget works, plug your nose, stand up and vote "aye!" Show me, show us that you care more about fixing what's wrong than you care about a power grab!
I will be watching!
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