Saturday, January 31, 2009

Acorn shortage and squirrely behaviour!

I'd read about the shortage, actually, the dearth, of acorns, thought it strange and really didn't think about the consequences. Every winter I feed the birds and the squirrels just hang out under the feeder with the birds and eat the castoffs. Often mingling with the ground feeding birds like Morning Doves and Juncos. I put out apples and peanuts for the squirrels several times a week figuring they might not have enough stored to survive. Now I'm worried that I'm creating a kill zone!

My friend's daughter, (Rachel,) saw a squirrel on the window ledge eating a bird! There's video, but I cannot figure out a way to get it out of facebook and into here so it's just the screen shot above. (Watching all the action was a cat who really wanted to eat both of them!)

Now I Googled squirrels eating birds and it does happen. As per Wikipedia "Squirrels' diet consists primarily of a wide variety of plant food, including nuts, seeds, conifer cones, fruits, fungi and green vegetation. However some squirrels also consume meat, especially when faced with hunger. [2] Squirrels have been known to eat insect, eggs, small birds, snakes and rodents." The squirrel most often carnivorous is the thirteen-lined ground squirrel.

In some urban areas of the states, deer are invading towns and the experts are blaming the acorn shortage. More and more deer are coming into towns, looking for food. The normally shy creatures are hungry.

Scientists say that these things are cyclical and hopefully next year will be normal or a bumper crop. One can only hope that acorns and therefore oak trees, aren't going the way of the honey bee!

Friday, January 30, 2009

New world, old bargaining? Unions and the new economy.

Windsor Match Plate, a long operating Windsor Ontario shop clearly told their employees that this was their final offer. They say they were taking jobs at a loss just to keep the work coming in while trying to find a solution. They submitted their offer through the Ministry of Labour and the union, CAW Local 195, voted on it.

"Our members solidly rejected what the company has termed its final offer," said Gerry Farnham, president of Canadian Auto Workers Local 195 which represents the workers.
"We're now waiting for an opportunity to get back to the table to try and resolve these issues."

The company has as much as said they will now close the doors. I'm not sure what part of "final offer" Mr. Farnham didn't understand. I am sure of one thing.

Some people still have not figured out that on September 16th, 2008 we woke up to a new economic world. Did you not pick up a newspaper? Read anything on your computer that gave you a clue? Virtually every plant building cars in North America has been closed for the past few weeks. Few have been sold at dealerships now facing closures. Entire countries have teetered on the verge of insolvency. What part of this is too hard for you to figure out?

The days of $30 an hour, paid personal days, COLA and all the other perks paid for by struggling companies are over. A reduction of $4 to $6 and hour, from $30, is still a pretty damn good wage and beats the heck out of Unemployment Insurance or welfare.

I'm getting dizzy from shaking my head in disbelief. It's a new world, time to wrap your head around it.

*EDIT* Hmmm, I just heard, on the news, that the CAW has changed it's mind on talking about renegotiating contracts with "the big 3." Apparently they now think that due to the current economic climate it may be necessary, even though "wages are not the problem." There's to be a meeting in Toronto for discussion. Kenny and the boys may have had an epiphany! Actually, thinking about this sudden change of vision, it serves to make the Windsor Local 195 and Mr. Farnham look a tad foolish and kind of on the outside as far where his Union stands on these issues.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Windsor, Ontario and snow ploughing...

Driving to work today was an adventure. The roads, I assume they were there somewhere under the snow, were bad enough but the intersections! OMG! Seriously... how much do these guys get paid? I swear they have contests to see which operator can build up the biggest snow dam at the busiest intersection. Have they any kind of training?

Why is it I can go to London, where they get real snow, and turn a corner without driving through 2 feet of snow dam? I bet that half or more of our local MVA's are caused by people trying to turn and losing control through the build up!

The most amazing thing to me today was once I hit the Tecumseh Town limits, it was like a whole new road! They obviously know how to do it. May I suggest that the Windsor snow plough dudes have lunch with the Tecumseh snow plough dudes and bring a pen and paper!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Upcoming Canadian Federal Budget... and responsiblity

I am no fan of the Harper Government. As a matter of fact, last weekend Bob was watching the news and I was playing on the computer. I heard an interview with a Political expert, talking about Obama and what it means to the US and the World. He commented that things could start changing. For the first time in many years there would be "intellectuals" at the helm of several powerful countries. Gordon Brown in England, Kevin Rudd in Australia, Barack Obama in the US and he went on the say that "maybe one day, Michael Ignatieff in your own country of Canada! I burst out laughing at the skip over of our current PM. Sorry I digress, back to the upcoming budget.

If it is a good budget, if it is good for our Country in these tough times, ALL Members of Parliament have an obligation to vote in favour! I'm hearing MP's saying that they already know they won't vote for it! Hello? What is your responsibility? It is to do what is best for us. This is the time for true non partisanship! If the Tory budget works, plug your nose, stand up and vote "aye!" Show me, show us that you care more about fixing what's wrong than you care about a power grab!

I will be watching!


Please note, I am not responsible for the spelling in the AdSense boxes at the top of my blog! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My sister said we are "odd."

This is the facebook string that goes with the picture of our new fishies, Barack & Joe. Apparently, my sister Sandra finds us odd! She's proud we're related, but odd none the less. Well, if she thinks that's odd, it's a good thing she lives way up North in Sturgeon Falls.

Today, Bob found my blow dryer in the bathtub. The cord all wrapped up nicely and yes in the middle of my bath tub. There's a perfectly good explanation for it. It's not like the time I put my curling iron in the fridge and had no way to explain it. (I'm assuming I was distracted and doing a few things at once.)

The blow dryer wasn't working right this morning. Half power and just weird. So, I turned it off. It was hot, I smelled electrical hotness, I unplugged it and smelled it, it smelled fine. I then think maybe the outlet is the problem? I feel it, it's cool, I feel all around it, it's cool. Oh, I use the basement bathroom which is important to the story.

I go to the back part of the basement as I decide I should check the wires where they go to the panel box. This is through a door and in a different room. You have to turn a light switch on waaaay in the back to see there. All is well at the panel box. I decide, ok then, it's the blow dryer and place it in the middle of the bath tub figuring that should it erupt into flame it can do no harm there! See? Makes perfect sense.

The story once told to Bob then explained to him why the light was on waaay back in the basement behind the furnace. I had forgotten to turn it off. Now once I heard that I thought how silly of Bob not to see the blow dryer, see the light on waaaay back by the panel box and not just figure the whole thing out! It's so obvious!

Odd? I think not!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Barack Obama

The Presidential Oath of Office:

I, (Barack Hussein Obama,) do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

What Chief Justice John Roberts said:

"I do solemnly swear that I will execute the office of President to the United States faithfully...."

Barack, after pausing, gives a slight nod of his head and they continue out of order from what it should have been said in the first place. Barack did, however, start talking sooner than he was to have, before the "do solemnly swear."

To be really fair, if that had been GW, we'd have mocked him to no end!

Regardless, a hopeful day, a new administration and one can only hope a new outlook. His speech certainly gives that impression!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Days left to the world changing! (No pressure Mr. Obama!)

I don't think George is a bad man, I just think that:
- he wasn't up to the job
- he really wasn't intelligent enough for the job
- he made really bad choices in his advisers and staff
- he did fully grasp what was happening around him
- he was completely out of touch with his country and it's priorities

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Organising for America, a new Obama program
(Click the link above to watch the video.)

How exciting to find this in my email today! Yes I joined his on line team, yes I'm Canadian and yes, I'm excited!

Friday, January 16, 2009

What's wrong with this picture?

So much for the banana belt of Canada! I'm moving to the Yukon. My car made noises this morning that I did not know cars could/should make! Granted, it's a '92 Grand Am but that puppy started and the funny noise went away eventually while warming up in the driveway. The windshield wipers, however, did not defrost and start working until I was almost at work. Good thing it's too cold for any thaw and slush being thrown up by passing trucks.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Miracle on the Hudson and a heroic pilot!

I hope the next time Mich & I go to NYC this guy is flying the plane! It is so good to have this kind of news in the midst of the current dismal state of our world!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The big chill!

So I've been slacking on my blogging and apologize to all! Really, not much has been happening.

My furnace died again a couple of days ago! It was an easy, and again free, fix of a relay switch. Thank goodness it died before today and the next few days with -28 degree temps in the forecast! Not being willing to take any chances though, I have got 3 portable heaters, just in case. My theory; if you have 'em... you won't need 'em!

I still have the plague. I've canceled my trip to London for the weekend as everyone there has the flu and well... why ask for trouble?

I am terribly pissed at the Canadian Military truck contract being awarded to the USA as I think our tax dollars should be spent here, especially in times like this but... I'm just not in the mood to rant!

Try to stay warm!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

2009 starts with the Plague!

Yep, after the sewer back up, (repaired at no charge!) The furnace break down, (repaired at no charge!) I get the Plague to welcome in the new year. January 2nd, it starts... January 3rd it has me in it's grip and is not letting go! Coughing, sneezing, (even in my sleep, who knew that could happen?) plugged ears but thankfully, no hemorrhaging was involved. It's only too bad, I couldn't have been repaired at no charge!

Sorry to those of you who keep checking in for updates, but I've really not been up to updating. Plus there's been nothing much to say other than cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze and that gets so boring after a while. :)

Oh, I did get the City to fix our street lights that had been out for over a week due to a wind storm. I mentioned how I was "tripping over the uneven sidewalks whilst trying to visit the neighbours in the pitch black!" They were out in less than 12 hours!

I can only assume the rest of the new year holds great things!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

December 2008 wrap up. A busy, busy month, and Happy New Year everyone!

December 9th, clogged sewer backed up into basement a teeny bit. City comes out in 15 minutes, eels at no charge and all is well!

December 13th, -36 wind chill, 60kmh winds... furnace dies and Bob has to keep forcing it to come on! The help desk woman, in Manila, Philippines where it's 80 degrees is oh so helpful! I borrow space heaters and bring home a giant fire extinguisher from work! We carry on.

December 20th, Patty's annual Christmas Party, Bob, Mich & I have a wonderful time!

December 22nd, huge grocery shopping, for what Debbie & I didn't already buy in Detroit, for the Christmas Eve open house.

December 23rd, work & home to prepare the food for Christmas Eve.

December 24th, (furnace still acting up... making the best of it,) Open House... A grand time was had by all, no idea on numbers, I don't even bother to count anymore!

December 25th, 8am, furnace guy replaces the broken parts, (all covered by our contract so again, no charge!) Christmas breakfast crew starts arriving... 9:30am we're in full swing with at least 25 breakfast guests. Our London trip is canceled due to the furnace issues, so I make Christmas dinner for the three of us.

December 26th, we decide to make a one day trip to London to visit family. It was great!

December 27th, work. (I'm actually working everyday but most days there's something more interesting to talk about!)

December 28th, Michie's birthday Eve dinner and pie & ice cream with friends and family.

December 29th, the annual, Night Before New Year's Eve party at Nancy's, one Eve early! Bob, Mich & I have another wonderful time!

December 30th, work. But a bit more interesting as our firing site for the Chatham Family New Year's Eve fireworks show is under water as the Thames has risen way above normal and is expected to crest another 14.5 feet by New Year's Eve! There is much running around trying to find a new site at the last minute!

December 31st, work to 6pm at the warehouse then off to the City Hall roof top fireworks. Home at 10:30 and bed at 11:10pm, I slept through the midnight celebrations! Windsor's show is at 9pm for families. (Thank goodness!)

January 1st, 2009, back to City Hall at 9am for clean up. It was a tad chilly! Home to prepare dinner for 14, that ended up being dinner 1or 9 but still a good time was had by all! I am a very lucky person to have so many wonderful friends and family to share my life!

January 2nd until further notice... I'm sleeping!

Happy New Year everyone! :)