I just flipped over to CNN and saw this, I actually gasped out loud. I spent my 17th summer lying in the back yard, by the pool reading, (well, trying to read, I was very young,) The Gulag Archipelago. It is not a book that reads easily. I put it down, picked it back up and really spent an entire summer reading it; it's over 1800 pages long but worth every single tree that died for it's publication. I re-read it in my twenties. I then went out and got every book I could find by Solzhenitsyn. Cancer Ward, A Day In the Life of Ivan Densiovich, Warning To The West, August 1914, The First Circle... anything I could find. What a man, what a mind, what a shame. His life, one of exile, hardship and love for his Country, but not it's leaders leads one to realize how lucky we are.
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